Stuff is potent"

2010-04-28 2:39 am
句子不明白它解釋, 請幫忙:

Wow! This stuff is potent.

書的解釋是: 嘩, 這玩意很烈


the context is :

That procession was beautiful.

I always enjoy it. Now for the best part - the eating

What are we making?

Grandma's favorite dish-chile rellenos!

I love those! We need green chilies, egg batter and cheese, right?

You got it, You make the batter, I'll stuff the chilies. Jack can dip and fry.

My mouth's watering already!

Am I doing this right?

Yes, but you're not drining enough tequila!

Wow! This stuff is potent.

The pico de gallo is ready. Time to grill the tortillas and make the ceviche.

Thanks for your help!

回答 (2)

2010-04-28 8:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
真要講一句,完全錯哂,本書跟樓上都以為這句 wow, this stuff is potent是指tequila(沒錯是龍舌蘭酒),但留意他是說你沒喝夠這烈酒,下句的意思不是說這酒很烈,而是跟這酒沒關係,那句you’re NOT drinking enough tequila是對比上一句前一個人說My mouth is waterly...正在流口水 (因為他們正在炸那個東西好香),這人說you’re NOT drinking enough tequila意思是你沒有預先令你個口dry(乾),因為好的烈酒說成是好dry,令飲的口乾涸。

說回你問的那句wow, this stuff is potent
這句說的人是在說炸那東西(pico de gallo)出來的效果很好,很像樣,炸得好掂。因此跟著便說「炸好了」「做下一樣東西...」

我雖然沒有影象看,但由於這明顯是個烹飪節目,對白會有很多「無謂說話」同埋唔係一句對一句, 以上那四句都不是前前後後回答,而是回應隔一句對上或對現場情況講的。
2010-04-28 3:35 am
stuff 用廣東話講就係「D 嘢」,所以 This stuff 就係「呢 d 嘢」。

potent 是有能力,對上一句是在講飲 tequila 酒,potent 這字用在酒的時候意思是烈酒。

所以成句話用廣東話講就係「呢 d 嘢好勁!」

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