Rolling time

2010-04-28 12:36 am
A uniform perfect solid sphere of mass M and radius r is initially placed at the edge of a rough cylindrical track (or radius R) where its tangent is vertical as shown in the figure below:


Then the sphere is released from REST and allowed to roll down the track. Note that R > r.

Suppose that the centre of the sphere remains on the same vertical plane and the track is rough enough to aviod any slipping of the sphere, find, in terms of all given and any necessary additional variables, the time elapsed between the initial and final positions in the diagram, i.e. the time needed for the sphere to roll down from the top to the bottom.

Given: Moment of inertia of the perfect solid sphere = 2MR2/5

Neglect air resistance too.

回答 (3)

2010-04-28 1:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Assume line joining the centre of mass of the sphere and the centre of the track with horizontal be @

And the angular displacement of the sphere be #

For the surfaces are perfectly rough, no slipping occurs.

Hence, (R - r)@ = r# ... (1)

By energy conservation,

Loss in G.P.E. = Gain of K.E.

Mg(R - r)sin@ = 1/2 I(d#/dt)^2 + 1/2 Mv^2

where v is the linear speed of the sphere, v = (R - r)d@/dt

So, Mg(R - r)sin@ = 1/2 [2/5 Mr^2(d#/dt)^2 + M(R - r)^2(d@/dt)^2]

Mg(R - r)sin@ = M/2 [2/5 (R - r)^2(d@/dt)^2 + (R - r)^2(d@/dt)^2]

gsin@ = (R - r)/10 (d@/dt)^2

d@/dt = sqrt[10gsin@/(R - r)]

S (@ 0→pi/2) d@/sqrt(sin@) = sqrt(10/(R - r)) S (0→T)dt

Time, T = {sqrt[(R - r)/10]} S (@ 0→pi/2) d@/sqrt(sin@)

I leave the integral form of the solution since it seems analytically impossible to integrate the integral.
參考: Physics king
2010-05-06 12:10 am
2010-05-01 1:14 am
如果用Gamma function來表示的話,可以寫成:

(1/4) sqrt{(R-r)/(5pi)} Gamma^2(1/4) (s)


= k*sqrt{R-r} (s),其中 k=0.8291674...

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