
2010-04-27 6:49 pm

1. 我今天將會入住這酒店,但我可唔可以將行李先寄存在酒店,到夜晚才回到酒
店check in及取回行李呢?

2. 當我Check out房間之後可唔可以將行李暫時寄存在酒店,

回答 (5)

2010-04-27 7:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. I am going to stay at this hotel. Can I leave my luggage at the concierge and come back to check in tonight?

2. Can I leave my luggage at the concierge after checking out and come back to pick it up in a few hours?

Please note that luggage is an uncountable noun.
2010-04-27 11:36 pm
2010-04-27 10:07 pm
奇怪你還未check-in 而酒店卻讓你寄存行李, 酒店不怕違禁品嗎?

2010-04-30 13:49:06 補充:
提議的例句中 Can I leave my luggages at the concierge and come back to check in at night?

其實有三個大錯, 其一, luggage 是不能加 S 的, 這是小學生常識.

另外, 你用這句話的時候,應該是身在酒店counter 或 concierge, 句中的 at the concierge 顯得很累贅造作,
2010-04-27 9:03 pm

Luggage 不加s的。要說兩件行李,是2 pieces of luggage。

a couple hours 也似乎不正確,應該是 a couple of hours。
的確,a couple of hours 不一定指兩小時,而是指數小時。
2010-04-27 7:12 pm
1. Can I leave my luggages at the concierge and come back to check in at night?

2. Can I leave my luggages at the concierge after checking out and come back to pick them up in a couple hours?

2010-04-27 12:17:17 補充:
這兩句是口語,所以 luggage 我加了 s,情況就如你進餐廳叫兩杯咖啡時會 casual 地說 two coffees 而不說 two cups of coffee。當然如果你只有一件行李,就不需要 s。A couple hours 中的 couple 亦是同一道理,並非一定要在兩小時內回來取行李,這是美國的習慣用語。

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