寄倉行李, 轉機係咪唔駛自己去拎番?

2010-04-27 6:22 am
寄倉行李, 航空公司會自動幫我轉?

回答 (2)

2010-04-27 8:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
When you check in at HK airport, the staff at the counter would tell you how to do. It depends on the airline arrangement. Ask the staff to get the accurate answer.

e.g. If you take JAL from HK to Hokkaido transit at Tokyo, you should claim all your baggage, and then leave the international arrival hall. Go to the domestic departure hall and check in again for transit to Hokkaido.


e.g. If you take UA from New York to HK via San Francisco, the baggage is transfer from one flight to another automatically. You need not take care of it.
2010-04-27 7:10 am
當然係啦,航空公司唔會叫你拎番,再double check咁好浪費時間.

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