鄭和既資料 (英文) 15點~急!!!

2010-04-27 3:58 am
我要鄭和D資料!!!!急!! 英文既!! 快!!!

回答 (3)

2010-04-27 4:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
鄭和既資料 (英文)

Zheng He Zheng He was a Hui Chinese mariner, explorer,
diplomat and fleet admiral, who commanded voyages to Southeast Asia,
South Asia, and East Africa, collectively referred to as the travels of
"Eunuch Sanbao to the Western Ocean".

He was originally named 'Ma He' and was born in 1371. He was the second
son of a Muslim family. In 1381, the year his father died, and
following the defeat of the Northern Yuan, a Ming army was dispatched to
Yunnan to put down the Mongol rebel
Basalawarmi. Ma He, then only eleven years old, was captured and made a
eunuch. He was sent to the Imperial court, where he was called 'San Bao'
meaning 'Three Jewels.' He eventually became a trusted
adviser of the Yongle Emperor.In 1425 the Hongxi Emperor appointed him
to be Defender of Nanjing. In 1428 the Xuande Emperor ordered him to
complete the construction of the magnificent Buddhist nine-storied Da
Baoen Temple in Nanjing, and in 1430 appointed him to lead the seventh
and final expedition to the 'Western Ocean.' Zheng He died during the
treasure fleet's last voyage, on the returning trip after the fleet
reached Hormuz in 1433.
參考: wikipedia
2010-04-27 5:50 pm


2010-04-27 4:48 am
pinyin: Zhèng Hé; Wade-Giles: Cheng Ho; Birth name: 馬和 Ma He. Also known as: 馬三寶 / 马三宝; pinyin: Mǎ Sānbǎo, Arabic/Persian name: حاجی محمود شمس Hajji Mahmud Shams)

2010-04-26 20:49:46 補充:
Wiki有中英文version.. 唔怕.. 仲有好多資料.. 搵吓啦 ^^

2010-04-26 20:51:26 補充:
中文 version : http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E9%84%AD%E5%92%8C

2010-04-26 21:10:02 補充:
Early Life :
Zheng He was originally named 'Ma He' and was born in 1371.[1] He was the second son of a Muslim family which also had four daughters, from Kunyang (昆阳), present day Jinning (晋宁), just south of Kunming near the southwest corner of Lake Tian in Yunnan.

2010-04-26 21:10:09 補充:
Both his grandfather and great-grandfather carried the title of Hajji, which indicates they had made the pilgrimage to Mecca. His great-grandfather was named Bayan and may have been a member of a Mongol garrison in Yunnan.

2010-04-26 21:10:37 補充:
In 1381, the year his father died, and following the defeat of the Northern Yuan, a Ming army was dispatched to Yunnan to put down the Mongol rebel Basalawarmi. Ma He, then only eleven years old, was captured and made a eunuch.

2010-04-26 21:11:46 補充:
He was sent to the Imperial court, where he was called 'San Bao' meaning 'Three Jewels.' He eventually became a trusted adviser of the Yongle Emperor (r. 1403-1424), assisting him in deposing his predecessor,

2010-04-26 21:12:23 補充:
佢太多料.. 你真系要自己去攞.. post唔曬架..
the Jianwen Emperor. In return for meritorious service, the eunuch received the name Zheng He from the Yongle Emperor.

2010-04-26 21:13:21 補充:
In 1425 the Hongxi Emperor appointed him to be Defender of Nanjing. In 1428 the Xuande Emperor ordered him to complete the construction of the magnificent Buddhist nine-storied Da Baoen Temple in Nanjing, and in 1430 appointed him to lead the seventh and final expedition to the 'Western Ocean.

2010-04-26 21:13:28 補充:
Zheng He died during the treasure fleet's last voyage, on the returning trip after the fleet reached Hormuz in 1433.

2010-04-26 21:14:38 補充:
Between 1405 and 1433, the Ming government sponsored a series of seven naval expeditions.

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