✔ 最佳答案
IFAA will provide students with the conceptual understanding of, and analytical skills necessary for insurance, financial and actuarial analysis, plus a sound knowledge of the structure, practices and business functions of the insurance industry . In response to the need of the market, this programme shall be rooted in the HK institutional environment, but students shall also be exposed to international issues and practices. Graduates will specialize in the quantitative techniques of insurance and receive preparatory training for possible careers in actuarial-related disciplines.
Under BBA,計數得黎唔及Risk Management。精算,即係保險業運算,計保金/人既死亡率等等。畢業要考牌就做精算師。但每年咁多畢業生,又有幾多精算位?有幾個人真係入精算?精算師牌有幾難考?您要諗真d。
Risk Management
Administered by the Department of Statistics, is designed for students seeking a career in financial and insurance institutions and having a strong aspiration in the scientific methodologies . Students are especially trained in the quantitative approach of modeling, assessment, and valuation of risk management. Students receive not only a solid training in statistics, but also an exposure to other subj such as finance, econ, accounting, maths and computer science . The core comprises courses from various dept such as numerical methods, portfolio managements, financial economics, data structures, and accounting principles.
Under Dept of Stat,一睇就知要靠數底!不停計數計數!計來計去,視乎個人興趣。