有中文翻譯英文問題想請教各bro&sis - 急!!

2010-04-27 12:16 am
其實係公司要回一個客人既信, 但我怕自己英文唔得體, 所以麻煩各位bro&sis!

客人問: 你地公司有冇咩reference?



十分抱歉因abc limited是2009年11月尾才正式運作, 直至4月前一直忙於government及NGO機構的合作計劃, 所以未有紀錄可供你參考.
1. 1/5 XYZ Limited XXXXXXXXXXX
我將於1/5收集XYZ的活動資料, 並會盡快update比你.

也請放心本公司雖暫未有紀錄, 但event,media,PR班底都是有經驗的人,
對於各場所環境亦十分了解. 確保客人在活動過程中能順利進行.

再次感謝你對我們公司的考慮, 希望也能與你開始第一次的合作.
It is my pleasure if 你能抽到時間與我會面&參觀我們的studio.



回答 (3)

2010-04-27 7:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Mr XXX/Miss YYY,

Thank you for your inquiry about the jointly run events over the phone on dd/mm/yy/Thank you for your inquiry of dd/mm/yy about the jointly run events . We are sorry that we are unable to give you all the information you need before April, 2010 as we are busy with the project jointly organized by the government and NGO for the time being.
For your information, we are scheduled to launch the following three events :
1. XYZ Limited xxxxxx on 1st May, 2010 at (venue).
2. YYYYYY on dd/mm/yy at (venue).
3. ZZZZZZ on dd/mm/yy at (venue) .

The event information about the XYZ Limited will be submitted to you on 1st May after collection and updating data .

We ensure that all the customer-orientated events will proceed smoothly because our professional team have much experience in the sectors of event, medai and PR and totally undersatand about the event venues and customers' requirements.

Thank you again for your interest in collaboration with our company. It is also our hope for holding the event together with your company soon.

We look forward to your visit to our studio.

Yours truly,

Mr. XXX/Miss YYY

2010-04-27 10:16:21 補充:
Correction : customer-orientated ------> customer-oriented
our professional team ------ > our professional team members
2010-04-27 12:11 pm
I apologize for not being able to provide you with any references. The reason is because ABC Limited had started its regular operations in November 2009. The records won’t be available until the collaborative plan of the Government and the NGO Organization is completed. However, we will launch three events in May:
1. 1/5 XYZ Limited XXXXXXXXXXX
I will collect the information regarding XYZ activities on May 1st, and will keep you updated as soon as possible.

Please be assured that the staffs who handle the event, media, and PR are very experienced, and they are very familiar with the environment in the facility. Although our company does not have references at the present time, we can ensure that the activities will be carried out smoothly.

I have express my thanks for your consideration again, and I hope we can cooperate for the first time. It is my pleasure if you can take some time to meet with us and visit our studio.

2010-04-27 12:51 am
我做管理好多年.. 應該可以幫到你..

不過, 首先唔好第一句話無.. 人定系無心機睇埋落去.. 因為, 我睇你公司同佢又唔熟.. 都系「以守為攻」好啲.
而且, 應該要多謝人先.. 不過又唔需要多講..
而且, 你地既然「無底」, 一問題就sell公司啲人做過乜event嘛...
如果你地人強又做過一啲有代表性嘅event.. 一定系吹吹吹啦... 將人家視線改去你地其他地方嘛... 好多客都擔心你地新公司做長, 先會系咁..
同埋, 你地好應該搵個勁人(公司同事中有料之人)個名出來.. 萬一有乜further approach.. 今日唔用你, 佢可能會去問下同行里位系乜水.. 可能, 有幫助..
講真.. 你地個approach會問題.. 咁樣做marketing保守左喇..
而且, 你地咁講.. 就系好忙.. 忙到唔畀未人... 咁做生意就要agressive啲.
再且. 你地而定啲projects, 都算系reference丫.. 點會無呢 ??

咁樣, 你地同goverment & NGO做嘅.. 系唔系一次性project? 定系你地bid唔到個project??

我好想幫你.. 但你盡量畀多啲資料我啦

2010-04-26 17:45:41 補充:
我意思系, 人定唔了解你地公司, 又擔心你地做唔長, 當然, 會問你地攞料.
做生意, 唔好一開始整死自己.. 既然有大project handle過.. 怕乜講 ?
你地公司啲人有乜經驗, 就highlight佢.. 都系公司selling points.. 明否?

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