✔ 最佳答案
Curtin University of Technology and The University of Hull 課程是政府註冊海外課程, 不是政府認可課程, 你讀完後要到HKCAAVQ做評審, 有機會可以評為等同本地學士, 或不等同本地學士, 沒有人可保證你過到評審
呢種係米叫做top up degree?
YES, it is top up degree
如你要讀不用過評審之 top up degree, 可choice polyu speed
Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Public Relations / 巿場營銷及公共關係文學士Entry RequirementsApplicants should possess a Higher Diploma or an Associate Degree in business related disciplines or equivalent.
Holders of Higher Diploma or Associate Degree in non-business disciplines may also be considered.*
who do not possess the above-mentioned qualifications but have reached
the age of 25 at commencement of study may also apply as mature
applicants.* Mature applicants should possess relevant working
experience in supervisory/managerial positions and prior post-secondary
studies in related fields at Diploma level or equivalent. They will be
required to demonstrate their ability to complete the programme to the
Admission Committee at an interview; and
(i) pass an admission test; and
have an appropriate level of English language competence demonstrated
by at least level 2 in HKCEE English Language [or grade E in HKCEE
English (Syllabus B) for results obtained before 2007] or equivalent.
2010-04-26 23:04:21 補充:
建議你在space 讀完adv diploma 之後讀 polyu speed 之 Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Public Relations