Who would win in a fight between Superman & Broly?

2010-04-26 4:05 am
Superman from DC comics versus Broly from Dragonball Z.
FYI in my scenarios kryptonite is not allowed. Neither is red sun energy.

Superman fully charged by the sun versus Broly in his legendary super Saiyan form.

回答 (6)

2010-04-26 4:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Broly. I just dont think Superman is going to be able to withstand such a force. Superman is strong and everything but come on! Its a super saiyan!

Broly can destroy the earth with a enery ball from his pinky. I don't care if superman is the man of steel. Hes getting his *** handed to him.
參考: Watched every Dragon Ball episode. (GT and Z)
2010-04-26 5:25 am
Superman, all the way. he has gone up against gods and come out on top. He has more brains than any of the DBZ characters. Not only would he have the edge in powers but with his super-speed he could hit Broly a thousand times before he powered up his first blast. No real contest there
2010-04-26 4:35 am
Technically they have very similar powers except Superman can only release Ki though his eyes, which is a bit stupid, and has somewhat superior senses (including x-ray vision). We have much more proof of Superman's resistance to damage than we do of Broly's; We've never seen Broly be shot,stabbed, hit by a train while Broly was at full power. He does survive being stabbed as a new born baby but this doesn't really compare to knives bending and bullets bouncing of Superman's body but his birth power level was outrageously high, even higher than Goku's OVER9000!!!!!! An issue we have with telling who is stronger is that Superman never fights someone his own strength, he is only comparable to others when he is under the influence of kryptonite.
Personally i'm all for Broly though, he seems to be more damage resistant and his ability to teleport technically makes him far too fast for Superman and i don't think Superman could destroy entire planets as fast as Broly. That and he's totally more awesome.
On another note, have you noticed that their stories are really bloody similar, escape their homeworlds in special ships to escape as they are destroyed, find they have amazing powers...
2010-04-26 2:57 pm
2010-04-26 5:57 am
2016-11-11 5:39 pm
Superman Vs Broly
2015-08-02 12:27 pm
Who would win in a fight between Superman & Broly?
Superman from DC comics versus Broly from Dragonball Z.
FYI in my scenarios kryptonite is not allowed. Neither is red sun energy.

Superman fully charged by the sun versus Broly in his legendary super Saiyan form.
2010-04-26 4:11 am
I completely agree with Kyle. Even if Superman is 'all that', Broly is pretty much 4x that.
Comparing Superman to Broly is like comparing a tank to a heavily powered AC-130 (most powerful gunship). A tank is powerful, but Broly can shoot extremely powerful balls of energy, has insane powerlevel, and can destroy planets easily. Broly SSJ = gg.
2010-04-26 4:46 am

I agree with Beowulf, in reality it would be a popularity contest and Superman has been around since 1938.

Also, it really depends on which Superman we are talking about here. You say "Superman fully charged by the sun" but in different stories he has had different levels of "charged." In some stories he flies through the Sun's center, becoming highly powered. Also, in the alternate future he lives in the Sun. He has also shown the strength (more commonly in the Silver Age) to move planets with his strength.

I understand Broly's ability to blow a planet up, much like Frieza's ability to blow a planet up by destabilizing or destroying it's core. But if Superman could fly through the Sun, which is a nuclear furnace which could destroy planets hundreds of times the size of Earth, he could probably take Broly's energy blast.

And for me, Superman is the OG, so I gotta think he's gonna win. I loved Dragon Ball and DBZ, but Goku's story is a bit too much like Superman's: sent to Earth from a doomed planet of highly evolved people, learning to be a good person from a kindly country person. Reeks of Japanese-Superman-copy.
2010-04-26 4:15 am
Superman. Sorry But i just don't care for magna comics. But in all fairness it would depend on who the fans like better. Batman is the most popular right now. So people who don't read comic books would know about batman and superman easy. Where dargon ball z lots of people wouldn't. So they wouln't get the votes. Because its not main stream enough.

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