What is the difference?

2010-04-26 7:42 am
What is the difference between a bun and a roll?

回答 (6)

2010-04-26 9:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are no specific rules, although we tend to think that a bun is sweetened, stuffed or mixed with dry fruits or other sweetened treats, and a roll is isn't, but there are many exceptions. The shapes are not determining factors either, so the names are really customary.

In North America, the customary use is:

dinner roll (小餐包), (not dinner bun),

kaiser roll (I can't say not kaiser bun, although usually is roll),

sweet roll (I can't say not sweet roll, sometimes is called sweet bun too),

hamburger bun (not hamburger roll),

hot dog bun (not hot dog roll).

cinamon roll or cinamon bun.

honey bun or honey roll (honey bun is used more often).

2010-04-26 04:08:41 補充:
Posted in Yahoo:
What is the difference between a bun and a roll?
Everytime I ask someone this question, I get different answers like: a bun is sweet and a roll is not, or a bun is round and a roll is not, or a bun has a crunchy crust and a roll is soft.... Can anyone help me out?

2010-04-26 04:10:28 補充:
Posted in Yahoo:
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
I work in a big factory/bakery, and I work on the roll line. There is no difference, just a matter of preference. Dinner roll, Hamburger bun, same crap, different pile

2010-04-26 07:54:41 補充:
The answer that a roll is long while a bun is round does not fit with the fact that a hotdog bun is long, and many dinner rolls are round. Likewise, the answer that a bun is sweet and a roll is not does not fit with the fact that a honey roll is sweet.
2010-04-26 4:36 pm


2010-04-26 11:02 am
It gives me an impression that a bun is shorter like 6 inches or so whereas a roll is longer at least 9 inches or up.
2010-04-26 10:47 am
hi, the difference between bun and roll is the shape of bread.
bun = round shape
roll = long rectangular shape, but sometimes in short rectangular shape too.
actually they are the same kind of bread.
2010-04-26 8:18 am
我們平時吃的小餐包美國人叫 roll,他們不用 bun 這個字。
2010-04-26 8:05 am

a bun is a small, round, usually sweet bread with a flat bottom whereas a
a roll(cake roll) is a spongy cake, usually with a layer of sweet filling like
chocolate, cream(like swiss roll) etc., inside.
參考: common sense

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