修改/美化 100字英文

2010-04-26 2:52 am

最緊要係grammar... 如果可以的話幫我改改..
睇落似番uni student會寫ge level..

回答 (3)

2010-04-26 11:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1. 重要應該是表達budget或資金上有多重要,但3/4的句子都是講設計上的考慮,而講了budget是vital後便停下來,沒有說明為何要比設計重要(vital);可能你會話下一段講,但是我看下一段亦沒有講,而是已經講到費用(budget)是由那些部份組,而不是比較設計(不單指橋的類型)跟費用有何重要之處。

2. 作為一個外行人的話,我會為何六種同樣長度的橋在物料造價的選擇上會有大分別,選擇因素是甚麼,希望你還會交代。但目前的問題是你分析費用預算(budget)上跟橋種類的關係的編排上沒有清楚交代你所要說的層次和實質的資料,所以讀出來好像一時講一樣,很辛苦地找你在說的部份是成篇文章的位置,或構成你主題的甚麼部份。


Architects are often thought of creating structural designs of unique characteristics only, however it is vital that the budget of the project is considered acceptable for the investor or the source of financing. For instance, the new bridge design for Sydney, it has to be distinguishable without affecting the existing and traditional architectural landmarks, still of reasonable cost to be granted from the public funding for construction.

The cost of the construction of a bridge consists of at least three aspects, the choice of design, the type of materials, and the labour cost of workers and engineering expertise. But it seems first and far most critical is the design of the bridge. Upon researching the website of several reliable architectural firms and government projects on bridge building, there are basically six types of bridge designs. Their costs vary even though they are of similar length. Geographic limitations may put constrains on the choices of available bridge designs, such as the availability of solid foundation for the bridge supports and the required spans or height of the bridge to accommodate both land and sea traffic. The budget of cost for a bridge increases as the span or height increases.

[Over100 words with a definite conclusion, if continues…]
Next, we may look at the other considerations in the design for a bridge….
2010-04-26 4:51 pm


2010-04-26 1:52 pm
Actually, it is really well-written.
I would, however, suggest making the following changes:
1. There is one thing undoubtedly important and (that) must not be ignored.
2. ... by reviewing webpages from several related sources
3. shows (not showed) that....

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