1.點用present perfect tense?past tense同present perfect tense有咩分別?
2.句子中啲this morning/afternoon/week/month/year etc.,,,,,仲有always同today點解用到present perfect tense啲?佢地除左用到present perfect tense,仲用到咩tense呀?同埋用係tense上面有咩分別?
3.我份notes有句話"for action which have recently finished and their result are visible in the present"啲時候係用present perfect tense,甘點解又唔用past tense?因為都過去左... notes : "Tim has already been to New York twice this year."點解用present perfect tense? notes : A: How long has she been an air hostess?
B: Since she left school
since前面係咪用present perfect tense,since後面先用past tense? notes : She has been to London. (This means that she has visited London;she is not there now.She has come back.),,,,,甘點解唔用past tense,又用present perfect tense??
7."Ed Prior won his first gold medal in 1992.(When?In 1992.The time is mentioned.)"
如果將上面個句轉成"Ed Prior won his first gold medal",姐係冇左In 1992,The time is not mentioned.甘又用咩TENSE? notes : A: I went (go) to the new gym yesterday.
B: It's good,isn't it? I( )(go) there a few times.
9."when ................................,.................................."
有when係咪一定唔可以用present perfect tense,得可以用past tense?
10."I have been at school since nine o'clock." 點解唔可以用have gone?
請解答我以上問題 thx