
2010-04-26 2:14 am

回答 (6)

2010-04-26 9:04 am
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[Looking out the window], or [look out the window}。

(1) Looking out the window, I can see miles of golden canola flowers.
(2) I look out the window to admire the wonderful sight of miles of golden canola flowers.

Looking out of the window 都可以。

但是 [looking out from the window] 在英文意思上不通,像是說置身在窗口之中,從那裹望出去。

2010-04-29 10:40:53 補充:
"Look out" means "be careful" only when it is used as a "phrasal verb" (combining a verb and a prepostion to have a meaning quite different from the original verb itself) which is not the case here In this sentence. "Look" is the main verb, and out is the prepostion for the direction.

2010-04-29 10:41:45 補充:
This is what the free online dictionary says:
look (lk)
v. looked, look·ing, looks
a. To employ one's sight, especially in a given direction or on a given object: looking out the window; looked at the floor.

2010-04-29 10:42:27 補充:
Also, "look through" the window means more than look, it means staring at something/someone through the window.
參考: myself
2010-04-26 6:37 pm
Look through the window ----- is the best!!

Look out = becareful of

If u say 'look out of the window', means becareful of the window!!!!!

2010-04-26 9:49 am
Look by the window or look through the window
2010-04-26 5:58 am
look out from the window
stare at the window
peek out of the window
參考: me
2010-04-26 2:19 am
Look out from the window.

2010-04-25 18:28:17 補充:


2010-04-26 2:18 am
look out from the window
參考: me

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