螢光筆 / highlighter

2010-04-26 1:03 am
我之前做左個實驗. 系要將螢光筆入面d 墨倒出黎. 之後系暗既地方用紫外燈照佢 佢就會螢光. 不過我想知既系螢光筆d 墨入面有咩令到佢可以系紫外燈照射下螢光呢? i've did this experiment before. get the ink out of the highlighter and put in a bottle then use an ultra-violet light and shine on it, then it'll glow. but i want to know is, what chemical in the ink can make it glow under the ultra-violet in the dark?

吾該哂. thx v3v

回答 (2)

2010-04-26 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
螢光筆內的螢光物質當被紫外光照射時,uv會激發左螢光素,個d物質會吸收uv,繼而反射番其他唔同波長的光,所以可以看到螢光. 以我知 Fluorescein 係其中一隻呢類的物質,但highlighter內的是否呢隻野,就需要做chromatography seperate,再analyze 先知
2010-04-26 1:12 am
參考: me

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