what mean is this?

2010-04-25 11:44 pm
What is the role and function(the degree to which she is involved in the drama and the effect that she has on it ) of the Nurse within Romeo and Juliet ? At what point , if ever, does she stop being Juliet's confidante?

回答 (2)

2010-04-27 12:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
It means to ask you in Romeo and Juliet, what does Juliet's Nurse's character affect the overall atmosphere of the story and how does her role play out to create the tension between Romeo and Juliet as she is the only one knows both sides. Stop being Juliet's confidants means when she does not tell Juliet everything that happens on the other side or with the families, or she remains faithful to her mistress and does her bidding in the whole story.

2010-04-26 6:45 pm
Your question should be:

what does it mean? ( this is teh correct grammar)

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