英文小疑問 英文小疑問 英文小疑問

2010-04-25 9:26 pm
Our card shows a woma with a plait. show為何要加s,明明前面有our

回答 (3)

2010-04-25 10:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Our card shows a woman with a plait,
Our card is the singular subject主語 單數
Therefore the verb should be singular配合單數動詞= V+s = shows
2010-04-26 5:24 am
Since "we" have only one card, it is not necessary to add an "s" to word "card".
2010-04-25 9:37 pm
個 's' 係畀 'card' ,唔係畀 'our' 架。

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