
2010-04-25 9:12 pm

回答 (6)

2010-04-26 10:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
hi, you are right .... US ppls like to use "grand" to present "ten-thousand" (i.e. 10,000), it's only used in the conversation only. in writing, they also write ten thousand/10,000
參考: living in USA
2010-04-26 5:33 pm


2010-04-26 12:06 am
You are right! It is an American slang. I heard it a lot when I was studying in Canada.Many Americans and Canadians use it,
"grand" is an American slang = one thousand dollars
e.g. His salary is twenty grand.= His salary is twenty thousand dollars.
another common American slang is "buck" = dollar
Can you lend me a buck?
2010-04-25 9:32 pm

你聽到嘅可能係個 grand 字,係 thouand 嘅俗稱,只係 [千],唔係 [萬]。

美國人只係用 [ten thousand] 代表萬,別無其它字。

2010-04-25 13:39:01 補充:
應該話 grand 係 thousand dollars 嘅俗稱。Ten grand 係 一萬呅。
參考: myself
2010-04-25 9:22 pm
'萬' 通常都係用 ten thousand嚟代表。Myriad都係'萬',係過時嘅叫法。
2010-04-25 9:22 pm
銀碼「萬」嘅英文係ten thousand,百萬係million,再上係billion,billion之後都好少人講。

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