Was Mark Teixeira's collision yesterday a dirty play?

2010-04-24 9:58 pm
If you watch the replays, he throws a raised elbow into Bobby Wilson. Mark Grace is proposing a rule where this type of play would result in an automatic out and ejection.

回答 (8)

2010-04-24 10:39 pm
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its one of those "just because you can doesn't mean you should"

clearly his intentions were not just to score and make an honest play... we all know this, but hey rules are rules I guess
2010-04-24 10:22 pm
No way. The Yankess are trained to do whatever it takes to win. Thats what makes them a great orginization. Mark was just trying to score. The play was perfectly legal and in no way was it Teixeria's fault that Wilson got a concussion.
2010-04-24 10:08 pm
That was a rough collision. Maybe, but I do think so. He probably didn't mean to do that. He was trying to score. It didn't sem like he was trying to take out the catcher in the process.
參考: Red Sox fan who hates Teixeira. There is absolutely NO biasness in that answer above.
2010-04-24 11:19 pm
i don't think so it was just a little unecessary.. the plate was pretty wide open :P
2010-04-25 8:47 am
No. You never saw a situation like this before? The catcher tried to block the way to the homeplate and he would tag out runner after receiving the ball. Runner had to run into him to make him drop the ball and get him out of the way. Plus the empire was right there. If it was not fair, would the empire let him go? Or Was he bias?
2010-04-25 1:46 am
trucking the catcher isnt dirty at all, if the guy wants to try and block the plate from the runner what do you expect the guy to do, ask him politely to move? the guy plays the game hard, and mark grace is a pussy
2010-04-25 12:22 am

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