
2010-04-25 6:57 am

回答 (6)

2010-04-25 7:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Same situation here one of my friend's kid doing the same pattern exactly.

What i did.

Cause his desktop is failure one day i help him to get a new one with Windows 7 professional cause why i can setup a timer for the PC to auto shutdown, BIOS password (can't change the boot sequence) which he can't boot up the PC use USB or CDrom, Administrator account on Windows and he just a end user which mean he cannot install any game software until he finish the home work and the exam result is good and get his mother permission, then i will goto install it for him.

Live example
Available Time (after that auto shutdown)
Mon - Friday 16:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun 13:00 - 21:00

In computer level its all i can do for the rest you might need to spend time to communicate with him.

If you need further suggestion can email to [email protected]


2010-04-25 00:05:54 補充:
砍腳指避沙蟲 not going to work forever even you turn his computer slow and find out how you make it which piss him off badly. Better to find someone explain to him what consequence if he doing this kind of action.
2010-04-25 11:28 pm
  執著痛愛是無法教好孩子的。就算讓你使到電腦慢(刪除Display Card 的驅動程式),難道就不會發脾氣;不離家出走?清官難審,這等事,總是需要你們自己去處理,別人難下意見。
2010-04-25 8:15 pm
攪到部機好慢好慢,勁簡單,你上網down d毒返黎就得啦- -
你可以down野down到個hdd 差唔多full曬,風扇度加d塵,散熱唔好就會慢
咁會慢到呀媽到唔應得= =
2010-04-25 11:26 am

如果你是用無線網絡的話,你可以把連線方式改為802.11b或802.11a.如果作用不大的話,也許你甚至可以『偷偷地』拔掉無線路由器 (即wireless router) 的天線,或者改變天線的方向,以減低接收的訊號.如果你不熟悉有關操作則最好還是找一個熟悉的人來幫忙.當然,有關操作必須要在你細腦『不在家,不知情』的情況下進行哩!

2010-04-25 9:49 am
你話俾你細路 唔好成日玩電腦.. 好多問題
1. 主機好快懷咗令會龜速 因為經常長期開電腦 抽氣扇同火牛收集灰塵..會懷 導致火警... 你叫你細路第日自己買電腦 夠錢買咩
2. 經常玩遊戲 有錢分數...根本係假呀 唔好沉迷打機... 浪費時間
3. 長期開電腦 眼睛會有問題 導致近視 第日會裝隱形眼鏡 好多紅筋 永遠不會消失
4. 玩電腦 唔想食飯 唔知唔覺 導致暈倒 冇人救
2010-04-25 7:15 am
But the problem is, this batch is meaningless in a multi-core PC, which is quite common nowadays.

If this is the case, you need a program to do this. (what you need is a multi-threaded busy loop program)

2010-04-25 01:59:58 補充:
Honestly, I agree with Mr./Miss kenjipro333.
But if, after thinking twice, you still want such a program, please speak it out once more in your question. Thanks.

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