
2010-04-25 6:05 am
i'll laugh last.

lee 句有無錯? 之前係tv 睇到...但係好似好怪咁...

回答 (4)

2010-04-25 3:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The sentence is correct.
It is a short form of the idiom below.這是成語的簡寫。
: He who laughs last laughs longest.或
: He laughs best (that) laughs last.= If someone does something nasty to you, that person may feel satisfaction, but you may feel even more satisfaction if you get revenge on that person.
I'll laugh last=(你)別高興得過早。/
2010-04-25 9:03 am
hochung9876 : I' ll laugh last.(此句語法正確, 但其意令人費解). 建議改為: I am the one who laughed last . I was the one who laughed last yesterday.
2010-04-25 8:46 am


2010-04-25 6:59 am
It should be I will have the last laugh

2013-12-08 19:09:58 補充:
diverseman007: It's not a problem if we say 'I' ll laugh last' as it's an idiom. Moreover, yours is just changing the tense ==

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