ur faith walks on broken glass

2010-04-25 5:38 am
what does '' your faith walks on broken glass'' really mean?

1.Walking on broken glass cuts your feet and is extremely painful. . .If your faith walks on broken glass, it has been a painful road.


2.the faith is strong and they will hold on to through the harshest of times ?

or else?

yes it is the song 21 GUNS by Green Day

回答 (2)

2010-04-25 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Umm I have a slightly different interpretation:

I would interpret it as 'your faith is shattering as it is now walking on broken glass - and it hurts you physically and your soul' - a slightly more 'poetic' take on it. And similar to your first interpretation.

I don't think your 2nd interpretation is quite the same but rather, the opposite of the true meaning.

Is this from a Green Day song? If it is, then it's in the part where it sings about a broken heart and the person's losing faith in the world and all that is around him/her. Faith should be a rather strong 'thing' within a human being but now that's also weakening. The person is desperate and lost.

It's also similar to 'hanging by a thread' - if 'your faith is hanging by a thread' then it's quite prone to be dropped and broken at any time.
參考: Yours truly
2010-04-25 6:30 am
1.Walking on broken glass cuts your feet and is extremely painful. . .If your faith walks on broken glass, it has been a painful road.
=== > 簡報啲咁解系 「你要去死, 唔通唔畀你去咩」
=== > 客氣咁解系 「若你有信心去行k驅嘅路, 你要預左系好難行」
=== > Broken glass = 意思系指條路有幾難行.. 你諗吓成地玻璃, 又點行呢?
=== > painful road = 痛苦/k驅嘅路

2.the faith is strong and they will hold on to through the harshest of times ?
=== > 簡報啲咁解系 「佢哋嘅信念, 會堅持佢哋走過艱苦/嚴厲嘅時刻/日子」

第一句, 比較系間接
第二句, 比較直接

Your faith walks on broken glass
你嘅信心/信念/堅毅... 去几過k驅嘅路
參考: 我盡人事去描述得比較生動啲

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