
2010-04-25 5:30 am
i)I really enjoy ____ around places like this so I often go shopping in Tsim Sha Tsui.
應該係填walking,咁填to walk又得吾係,有乜分別?
Joy :I went to the supermarket with May.
正確答案係:Who did you went with?
點解吾可以:Who went with you?

Who did you go with.. not-Who did you went with?

回答 (6)

2010-04-25 5:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) I really enjoy walking around places like this so I often go shopping in Tsim Sha Tsui.

由於enjoy係一種特別既詞性,叫gerund,而逢係喺gerund後既verb都一定要轉做present continuous tense, 即係ing form。

其他gerund既例子仲有:prefer, mention, escape, avoid, prevent, fancy, go(after activities), be sorry for, be responsible for, apologize for, be tired of, be afraid of 等等。

不過,如果喺呢度既係like而唔係enjoy,就可以唔駛一定用walking啦,因為like唔係gerund,喺like後面,可以用walking或者to walk都得。

2) Anne: Who did you went with?
Joy: I went to the supermarket with May.

點解唔可以 Who went with you?

因為喺呢度個重點係past tense,所以要用正統既問句,先至比人知道佢emphasize過去既野。

但grammatically,你所講既Who went with you? 都冇問題,所以我諗你都應該去問下你個老師啦!

2010-04-26 7:44 am
動名詞 (gerund) 的形式跟現在分詞 (-ing) 一樣
run, walk, jump 是動詞 (verb)
running, walking, jumping 是動名詞 (gerund)

動名詞 (gerund) 絕不等於現在進行式 (present continuous tense)!

動名詞 (gerund) 用於在某些動詞之後
較常見的有 enjoy, finish, go, hate, keep, like, love, prefer, stop

I like watching TV.
May goes shopping every Sunday.
I prefer staying at home.

有些動詞之後可用動名詞 (gerund) 或不定式 (to-infinitive)
I like reading.
I like to read.

而 "enjoy" 之後只可用動名詞 (gerund)

這是關於句子的主語 (subject) 和賓語 (object) 的問題

Annie: Who did you go with?
你 ( 主語 ) 跟誰 ( 賓語 ) 一起去?
Joy: I went to the supermarket with May.
我 ( 主語 ) 跟 May ( 賓語 ) 一起去超級市場。

Annie: Who went with you?
誰 ( 主語 ) 跟你 ( 賓語 ) 一起去?
Joy: May went to the supermarket with me.
May ( 主語 ) 跟我 ( 賓語 ) 一起去超級市場。
2010-04-25 9:44 am
Winnie the Pooh 說 enjoy 是 gerund 完全錯。在這句中 enjoy 是動詞,而如 tintin852 所說,enjoy 後要用名詞,所以要用 walking 而非 to walk。walking 才真正是 gerund!

但 tintin852 說第二句 who went with you 文法正確,我就有保留。Who went with me 只能用於口語,真正寫文章不能這樣用,應該寫文法正確的 Whom did you go with 或 With whom did you go?
2010-04-25 8:47 am


2010-04-25 7:07 am
i) enjoy只可以接上名詞,所以要寫walking。(這個是慣用法,沒有解釋的。如果你要知道甚麼字只可以接上名詞,你可以查字典。)

ii) 其實你寫的Who went with you?是完全符合文法的。
Who did you go with? 的主語是you,而Who went with you?的主語是who。
可能因為回答是I went to the supermarket with May,所以問者可能是問Who went to the supermarket with May?又或者Who(m) did you go to the supermarket with? (或:With whom did you go to the supermarket?)
如果回答是:May went to the supermarket with me.,提問可以是Who went with you?
2010-04-25 5:49 am
i)I really enjoy WALKING____ around places like this so I often go shopping in Tsim Sha Tsui.
應該係填walking,= enjoy doing something so it is always walking not walk.

ii)Anne:___WHO DID YOU GO WITH?___________________
Joy :I went to the supermarket with May.
正確答案係:Who did you went with? WRONG
who went with you ? = spoken English is acceptable and people understand you but not proper English and not correct in written English.

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