求 新&好聽&有意義既英文歌

2010-04-25 5:17 am
同埋係要英文歌 *吾要taylor swift

回答 (3)

2010-04-28 11:22 am
Hi, sweetlovebabe305, 你好,

我知你要新的流行曲, 我是離了題, 但我只識舊而有 message 的歌, 現只介紹你聽聽而已:

其實 Michael Jackson 有很多有故事及有意思的歌, 如你細心看歌詞, 那你會真的知道什麼是有心有靈魂的歌, 如以下幾首:

Beat It (80年代最受歡迎的MV)
以為這是 "打敗它", 但其實剛剛相反, 這首歌是勸人不要呈強, 不要打架, Beat It 這裡的意思, 是走開, 避開o 而 MJ 拍這MV 時,
是在洛杉磯街頭請了很多街童做臨時演員, 給每個街童 $100美金做兩日, 鼓勵了很多青少年, 這些街童當時覺得自己原來是有用, 不只是在街上遊蕩,
自己也可以在電視面前表演給人看, 很有鼓勵o

Man In The Mirror
這歌叫人關注貧窮, 關注饑餓, 由誰人開始, 由鏡中人開始, 即是由自己開始o
MJ 並獲頒人權獎o
歌詞: I see the kids in the street, with not enough to eat. Who I
am, to be blind, pretending not to see their needs........... I am starting with
the man in the mirror, I am asking him to change his way, and no message would
have been any clearer. If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look
at yourself, and then make a change
(我看見有些小朋友不夠吃, 我究竟是誰呢, 我的眼是否盲了,
我是否假裝看不見他們的需要................我要由鏡中人開始, 我要說服他改變, 沒有再更加明顯的訊息. 你是否願讓這世界變得美好,
那便望一望你自己, 作一個改變)

Heal The World
歌詞: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WJrtms8EoQ
作了這歌曲, 並成立了 Heal The World 基金, 幫助全世界有需要的人, 這歌是收錄在他1991年 Dangerous 大鍱內, 而MJ
最高紀錄以個人歌手名義支助了39個慈善機構, 亦曾經被健力士世界記錄大全列為全界捐錢捐得最多錢的獨立歌手, 捐了約3億美元
其中歌詞: "There
is place in your heart, and I know that it is love.... " (在你心中有一個地方,
"Heal the world, make it a better place, for
you and for me, and the entire human race, There are people dying if you care
enough for the living, make a better place for you and me." (救治這個世界, 創做一個美好的地方,
為了你, 為了我, 為整個人類的種族, 有些人面臨死亡, 如果你足夠關注生命, 創做一個美好的地方, 為了你, 為了我o)

Earth Song
是講環保, 愛護地球

What about sunrise, what about rain, what about all the things that you
said we
used to gain..........
(我們的陽光呢? 雨水呢? 你曾經對我說我們必然擁有的東西往哪裡去了 .....

What about all the peace that you pledge your only son.....

(什麼是和平? 你們所謂的和平,
只是保佑你們的兒子 ....

2010-04-25 9:10 pm
Here are the songs:

1. Doesn't Mean Anything by Alicia Keys

2. I Got You by Leona Lewis

3. When We Die by Bowling For Soup

4. Wherever You Will Go by The Calling

5. Hey, Soul Sister by Train

6. Who Says by John Mayer

7. Disebchanted by The Chemical Romance

8. Save You by Simple Plan

9. Everything by Michael Buble

10. Over My Head(Cable Car) by The Fray

I hope you enjoy the songs:)

I hope I can help you.

2010-04-25 13:10:43 補充:
Sorry, it's "Disenchanted" by The Chemical Romance:)
參考: myself
2010-04-25 5:25 am
Sweetbox--Life Is So Cool
Daniel Powter--Bad Day
Declan Galbraith--Danny Boy
Mariah Carey - Bye Bye

Sweetbox嘅Life Is So Cool都幾好聽

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