
2010-04-25 2:00 am

Drawing is my hobby when I 10 years old.
Because when my friends drawing in college with me, I very enjoy such,
so I never give up drawing until now.
but my friends already had not heart for drawing, they a lot of need do job,
some need continue them study in college.
Now, though I draw compare before a little time, but it still is me best hobby.

動詞幾時要加"s"? 例如studies
但有時話I enjoy drawing, I like swimming <我鐘意XX,但唔係進行中


回答 (5)

2010-04-25 6:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
好似樓上咁講, 好難rate你. 以前我幫過小學生補習.. 都好多唔同level..

1. 你啲英文, grammer的確有問題.. 不過, 勉強明白嘅. 但系, 以中學生咁計, 好似又唔夠囉.. 因為, 有好多都系基本o向小學時, 已經學左...

2. 改正 : (當然, 可能仲有好多方法寫. 睇睇都唔錯)
Drawing is my hobby when I 10 years old.
==> Drawing has been my hobby, when I was 10 years old.
* 10歲已經系past...., 而且, 你而家仲系中意drawing.. 咁就系由以前至現在..
而且, 應該系2句,.. 中間有, ..
如果, 你想加強語氣, 咁你都可以寫 has always been.

Because when my friends drawing in college with me, I very enjoy such,
so I never give up drawing until now.
==> I enjoyed it very much, when I was in college. I have never GIVEN it up since then.
==> As I enjoyed having a group of friend drawing in the classroom with me, I have never GIVEN it up since then.
==> As I enjoyed being with my friends for drawing in college, I have addicted (使沈溺, 使醉心; 使上癮) into it since then.

* Because : 一般系... It is becasue, It was because,.. xxx, because of xxx..
* 盡量唔好一句太多meaning.. = 唔好分太多句.. , 完又, 咁會容易啲理解
* 你系想表達.. 因為一班人一齊令你中意drawing.. 定系你本身中意drawing呢?
* 你用like xxx.. 最好加 "VERY MUCH"尾.. 以以前比較學術啲咁解釋, like可以解系"似"一啲嘢..
* since then.. 系強調系由以前到而家.. 仲有,.. have never.. 系用given.. 唔系gave/give..

but my friends already had not heart for drawing, they a lot of need do job,
some need continue them study in college.
==> My friends are EITHER occupied by their job OR busy in their studying, they are unfortunately impossible (NOT POSSIBLE) to do it.
==> However, my friends are being coccupied by EITHER their job OR studying, they do not have time doing it.

*But : 除非有乜好特別要強調.. 如果唔系.. 一般都好少用Buto向句子前面.. 而會用o向句子中央.. 咁, 改用"However," , "Unfortunately," ...etc.. 會好啲.
* heart for drawing : 其實都幾中文.. 睇你句嘢, 你班朋友主要應該系太忙 無時間.. 而且, already had not.. 系好中文.. 英文系..
* they a lot of need do job : 無verb.. ???
* some need continue them study in college.. mmmm... 系studying.. 唔系study.. some need.. 應該系some of them.. 而且, studying都好足夠, 又唔洗講明系o向college.. 簡單系最好!
* Either or : 好好用, 又唔洗重覆句子..
* not possible : 系有加強意思咁... ==> 好勁唔得閒.
* Being Occupied : 系"而家" 都被occupied.. 如果, 有人同你講 being arranged.. 就系話, 有人正安排.. 如此類推...

... continuous...
參考: 未必全對.. 不過希望幫到你.. 唔明再問
2010-04-25 8:50 am


2010-04-25 8:26 am

除了那些錯誤外,「Although/though... but...」呢句係chi-english,在那處不需要加「but」


若果要增強認識英語句子結構,可能要閱讀大量短篇故事,若要符合中三程度,更要急起直追,先背誦後領會,可參考一下 http://www.npc.edu.hk/staff/~ngtungying/english_grammar/ 來反覆溫習
2010-04-25 8:10 am
繪畫是我自十歲便喜愛的嗜好。我很喜好朋友們在學校和我一起繪畫, 所以我
直到現在也並未放棄它。但我的朋友們已經無心繪畫了,因為他們多數要去工作,有些又需繼續升學。雖然我現在繪畫較以前少了, 但它依然是我最喜愛的嗜好。
當然我不可能在這方寸之地教懂你全部文法,但就盡量去做吧,比如你在文章上用until就錯了,因為上文說一直會繪畫,就應用till now, 若用until即是'現在不了'
的意思,又如你說had no heart(其實用have已可以,但no heart 無心機很中國化,外國人不大明白的)。 學英文要浸滛, 多看淺易的英文兒童小說故事開始,在文法上則買本淺易的文法書去細心理解, 除了必要的基本的技術性名詞如名詞,代名詞,主詞,動詞,副詞,助動詞,賓詞(或叫受詞),介詞,形容詞等外, 不必太着意那些複雜的技術性名詞,那些不要理會嗎? 不是, 而是要循道漸進, 看得英文書本多就會熟讀唐詩三百首, 不會吟詩也會偷了。我會用最淺的字盡量保持你文章原意去寫給你比較如下然後再答你其他問題:
Drawing has been my hobby since I was ten years old. I never gave it up
beacuse I enjoyed drawing with my friends together in the school.
Most of my friends are no longer interested in drawing as many of them
are working and some of them are continuing their study in the school.
Although I draw less often than I did before, it is still my favourite hobby.

好, 現在答你的問題了, 動詞(verb)加s或es的全是一般現在式的動詞, 但不是自己 I或你(或妳)You或我們 We(不論男女)或他們(不論男女)之後用的。只是加在單身第三者他(或她)He或She或它(或牠)之後的動詞用的如下例:
1)在這裏,你要緊記在一般情形下(特殊情形例外)第三身單數的主詞後的動詞要加s 或es.但只限於現在式動詞,將來和過去式動詞就第三身單數也不用加。
I eat, You eat, We eat, They eat---------He eats, She eats, It eats
I go, You go, We go, They go--------- He goes, She goes, It goes

2)動詞(verb)後加ing是動作在進行中,有現在進行 present continuous tense
和過去進行式past continuous tense如下:
I am eating an apple. She is dancing beautifully. They are going to school.
I was watching television when John came to my house.
They were fighting in the bar after I left.
3)現在進行式(present continuous tense)在適當時可用作名詞,就如你說的
I enjoy drawing. He hates drinking. She likes swimming.They have gone
dancing. We don't like gambling. Seeing is not believing. Singing is a good
exercise for the lungs.等。

我不大清楚現今的小學英文程度,所以未能評估你的英文程度。更難答你中三能寫到什麽程度的文章, 但只要你肯努力, 你一定會學到好英文, 因為我感覺到你是一個很好學和很有上進心的人, 再者你這是求學的題目, 我5點也很樂意教你。好了, 祝你學業進步。

2010-04-25 11:22:34 補充:
昨晚答題到凌晨,忘了告訴你現在進行式(present continuous tense)亦可用以成立'名詞語句'
(noun phrase)作句子主詞(subject)或副詞(object)如下:
(Camping alone in the countryside) is dangerous.(用作主詞)
I don't like (going to the church every Sunday).(用作受詞)
參考: nil, nil
2010-04-25 3:58 am
Drawing is my hobby when I 10 years old.
Drawing has been my hobby since i was ten years old.


但有時話I enjoy drawing, I like swimming <我鐘意XX,但唔係進行中


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