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好似樓上咁講, 好難rate你. 以前我幫過小學生補習.. 都好多唔同level..
1. 你啲英文, grammer的確有問題.. 不過, 勉強明白嘅. 但系, 以中學生咁計, 好似又唔夠囉.. 因為, 有好多都系基本o向小學時, 已經學左...
2. 改正 : (當然, 可能仲有好多方法寫. 睇睇都唔錯)
Drawing is my hobby when I 10 years old.
==> Drawing has been my hobby, when I was 10 years old.
* 10歲已經系past...., 而且, 你而家仲系中意drawing.. 咁就系由以前至現在..
而且, 應該系2句,.. 中間有, ..
如果, 你想加強語氣, 咁你都可以寫 has always been.
Because when my friends drawing in college with me, I very enjoy such,
so I never give up drawing until now.
==> I enjoyed it very much, when I was in college. I have never GIVEN it up since then.
==> As I enjoyed having a group of friend drawing in the classroom with me, I have never GIVEN it up since then.
==> As I enjoyed being with my friends for drawing in college, I have addicted (使沈溺, 使醉心; 使上癮) into it since then.
* Because : 一般系... It is becasue, It was because,.. xxx, because of xxx..
* 盡量唔好一句太多meaning.. = 唔好分太多句.. , 完又, 咁會容易啲理解
* 你系想表達.. 因為一班人一齊令你中意drawing.. 定系你本身中意drawing呢?
* 你用like xxx.. 最好加 "VERY MUCH"尾.. 以以前比較學術啲咁解釋, like可以解系"似"一啲嘢..
* since then.. 系強調系由以前到而家.. 仲有,.. have never.. 系用given.. 唔系gave/give..
but my friends already had not heart for drawing, they a lot of need do job,
some need continue them study in college.
==> My friends are EITHER occupied by their job OR busy in their studying, they are unfortunately impossible (NOT POSSIBLE) to do it.
==> However, my friends are being coccupied by EITHER their job OR studying, they do not have time doing it.
*But : 除非有乜好特別要強調.. 如果唔系.. 一般都好少用Buto向句子前面.. 而會用o向句子中央.. 咁, 改用"However," , "Unfortunately," ...etc.. 會好啲.
* heart for drawing : 其實都幾中文.. 睇你句嘢, 你班朋友主要應該系太忙 無時間.. 而且, already had not.. 系好中文.. 英文系..
* they a lot of need do job : 無verb.. ???
* some need continue them study in college.. mmmm... 系studying.. 唔系study.. some need.. 應該系some of them.. 而且, studying都好足夠, 又唔洗講明系o向college.. 簡單系最好!
* Either or : 好好用, 又唔洗重覆句子..
* not possible : 系有加強意思咁... ==> 好勁唔得閒.
* Being Occupied : 系"而家" 都被occupied.. 如果, 有人同你講 being arranged.. 就系話, 有人正安排.. 如此類推...
... continuous...
參考: 未必全對.. 不過希望幫到你.. 唔明再問