Does Barack Obama love you?

2010-04-24 1:42 am

回答 (12)

2010-04-24 4:16 pm
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Apparently so.

If he went against all odds and provided health care coverage for over 95% of Americans in spite of ourselves.

2010-04-24 1:45 am
Obama only likes these people that do not dissent from his adjenda.

He is like the football jock in highschool. Everybody that disagrees with him is a nerd.
2010-04-24 1:44 am
I think he does. I've talked to many times in person, and he seems like a nice guy.
2010-04-24 1:43 am
Not just me, the entire country, even you:

The Dow is UP 33% since Obama took office.

Retailers reported their strongest monthly sales growth in a decade, with gains in virtually every category of merchandise and every type of store. They posted a 9.1 percent sales increase, their strongest monthly sales growth in a decade.

Employers added 162,000 jobs last month, and employment numbers in the previous two months were revised upward.

IHS Global Insight says the economy has about 1.7 million more jobs today than it would have had without the stimulus.

GDP growth is a POSITIVE 5.6% (the highest growth in 6 years), after falling to NEGATIVE 6.4% under Bush.

The Conference Board Index of Leading Economic Indicators is up for the TWELFTH consecutive month. The Index increased 1.4 percent in March, following a 0.4 percent gain in February, and a 0.6 percent rise in January. The U.S. LEI is now at its highest level.

The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index, which had decreased in February, rebounded in March. The Index now stands at 52.5 (1985=100), up from 46.4 in February. The Present Situation Index increased to 26.0 from 21.7. The Expectations Index improved to 70.2 from 62.9 last month.

The manufacturing sector expanded in March at its strongest pace since July 2004. The Institute for Supply Management, a trade group of purchasing executives, said that its gauge of industrial companies rose to 59.6 in March from 56.5 in February. It is the EIGHTH straight month of expansion.

The Institute for Supply Management’s non-manufacturing barometer rose to 55.4 in March, up from 53 in February, exceeding expectations. Much of the momentum came from a surge in new orders and business activity. It was the highest reading for the survey since May 2006. Exports also rose significantly.

Americans killed on US soil by terrorists:

Under Bush........3,000
Under Obama...........0
2010-04-24 2:03 am
Probably about as much as he loves the Governor of Arizona, Joe the Plumber and the White Police Officer from Camden - not to mention Bill Clinton, and his own "white" grandmother who he decried in his book.
2010-04-24 2:46 am
I don't know all i know is I love our President with all do respect and i'm willing to serve him at any circumstances,

Whether he likes us or not we need to serve him, Because he serve as a whole,
2010-04-24 2:15 am
President Obama doesn't know I exist. However, I didn't vote for him based on his personal feelings for me.
2010-04-24 1:43 am
Ew. Pedobear.
2010-04-24 2:04 am
Barry loves Barry, first last and always... anyone with an ego that big likely has trouble getting away from a mirror!
2010-04-24 1:58 am
He loves all Americans.

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