
2010-04-24 7:33 am
(1)Find the number of integers between1000and4000 which can be formed by using the digits1,2,3,4:(a)if each digits may be used only once,(b)if each digit may be used more than once.
ans: 18,192

(2)In how many different ways can the word''MATHEMATICS'' be arranges?find the number of arrangements in which all the vowels come together.
ans: 120960

(3)Suppose there are 4 white balls and 2 red balls in a bag and the balls have equal chance to be selected. If a ball is drawn out from the bag each time without replacement, what is the probabilityof getting a thrid white ball in the fourth draw?
ans: 2/5

(4)There are two bags, one contain 4 white balls and 2 red balls, the other contains 3 white balls and 3 red balls. A bag is randomly selected from these two bags and a ball is drawn out from the selected bag.The ball is then put into the other bag and a ball is then drawn from this bag.Find the probability that at least one ball drawn out is white.

(5)Eight cards are marked 1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5respecitvely. Two cards are selected at random, one after the other without being replaced. Find the probbailities that:(a)the numbers on the two cards are the same(b)the numbers on the two cards have a sum of 9(c)the numbers on the two cards have a sum of 4.
ans: 1/7,1/28,1/7

(6)A bag contains five cards numbered 3,4,4,5,6.Two cards are drawn from the bag one by one without replacement.Find the probability that the sum is 9.

(7)A 3-digit number consists of three digits 3, 6 and x. Given that x is one of the digits from 1 to 9. Find the probability that the 3-digit number is divisible by 6.


ans: 4/27

回答 (1)

2010-04-24 8:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) (a) 4 must not happen in the first digit, hence total number of integers
=3 x 3 x 2 x 1=18
(b) if repeat is allowed, total number = 3 x 4 x 4 x 4=192
(2) There are 2 M, 2 A, 2 T, 1H, 1E, 1I, 1C and 1S total 11 letters
Total number of words possible = 11!/(2!2!2!)=4989600
If the vowels come together there are (AAIE),M,M,T,T,H,C,S
There are 8! of these 8 items and 4! Permutations of the vowels
Total numbers of words = 8!4!/(2!2!2!)=120960
(3) P(third white ball in 4th draw)
=[P(RWW)+P(WRW)+P(WWR)]*P(3rd white in fourth draw)
(4) Consider both balls are red
Bag A: 4W + 2R
Bag B: 3W + 3R
Probability to get bag A=1/2
P(First ball is red)=2/6
P(Second ball is red)=(3+1)/(6+1)=4/7
Combined probability =(1/2)(2/6)(4/7)=8/84
Probability to get bag B=1/2
P(First ball is red)=3/6
P(Second ball is red)=(2+1)/(6+1)=3/7
Combined probability =(1/2)(3/6)(3/7)=9/84
Probability of both balls are red = 8/84+9/84=17/84
Probability of at least one white ball = 1-17/84=67/84
(5)(a) Total number of ways to draw 2 cards from 8 is C(8,2)=28
For same numbers it can be both 1 having C(3,2)=3 cases
or both 2 having only one way.
Probability = (3+1)/28=1/7
(b) For sum = 9 there is only one way viz 4+5
Probability =1/28
(c) for sum = 4, it can be any one of the three 1’s plus 3 or the two 2’s
Total 4 ways probability = 4/28 = 1/7
(6) Total number of ways to choose 2 cards from 5 = C(5,2)=10
For sum =9, it can be 3+6 or any of the two 4’s + 5.
Total 3 ways and probability = 3/10

2010-04-24 13:12:34 補充:
There are 9 possibilities for the digit x.
For each possibility there are 3! ways to arrange, so there are totally 9*6=54ways
For the number to be divisible by 6, it must be divisible by 3 and even.
For divisible by 3, x must be 3 , 6 or 9

2010-04-24 13:12:54 補充:
For 3, out of the 6 arrangements, 336 and 336 are even (note 3 is doubled)
For 6, out of the 6 arrangements, 636, 636, 366, and 366 are even (6 is doubled)
For 9, out of the 6 arrangements, 936 and 396 are even
So there are in total 8 ways out of 54, probability =8/54=4/27

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