
2010-04-24 4:42 am

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2010-04-24 2:55 pm
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Alexander was born on 20 (or 21) July 356 BC in Pella, the capital of the Kingdom of Macedon. He was the son of Philip II, the King of Macedon. His mother was Philip's fourth wife Olympias, the daughter of Neoptolemus I, the king of the northern Greek state of Epirus. Although Philip had either seven or eight wives, Olympias was his principal wife for a time.
As a member of the Argead dynasty, Alexander claimed patrilineal descent from Heraclesthrough Caranus of Macedon. From his mother's side and the Aeacids, he claimed descent from Neoptolemus, son of Achilles; Alexander was a second cousin of the celebrated general Pyrrhus of Epirus, who was ranked by Hannibalas, depending on the source, either the best or second-best (after Alexander) commander the world had ever seen.
According to the ancient Greek historianPlutarch, Olympias, on the eve of the consummation of her marriage to Philip, dreamed that her womb was struck by a thunder bolt, causing a flame that spread "far and wide" before dying away. Some time after the wedding, Philip was said to have seen himself, in a dream, sealing up his wife's womb with a seal upon which was engraved the image of a lion. Plutarch offers a variety of interpretations of these dreams: that Olympia was pregnant before her marriage, indicated by the sealing of her womb; or that Alexander's father was Zeus. Ancient commentators were divided as to whether the ambitious Olympias promulgated the story of Alexander's divine parentage, some claiming she told Alexander, others that she dismissed the suggestion as impious.
On the day that Alexander was born, Philip was preparing himself for his siege on the city of Potidea on the peninsula of Chalkidiki. On the same day, Philip received news that his general Parmenionhad defeated the combined Illyrian and Paeonian armies, and that his horses had won at the Olympic Games......(to be cont. on supp./comm. field)


2010-04-24 06:59:19 補充:
It was also said that on this day, the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus—one of the Seven Wonders of the World—burnt down, leading Hegesias of Magnesia to say that it burnt down because Artemis was attending the birth of Alexander.

2010-04-24 06:59:51 補充:
Alexander fighting an Asiatic lion with his friend Craterus (detail). 3rd century BC mosaic, Pella Museum.In his early years, Alexander was raised by his nurse, Lanike, the sister of Alexander's future friend and general Cleitus the Black.

2010-04-24 07:00:50 補充:
Later on in his childhood, Alexander was tutored by the strict Leonidas, a relative of his mother, and by Lysimachus.
When Alexander was ten years old, a horse trader from Thessaly brought Philip a horse,

2010-04-24 07:01:58 補充:
which he offered to sell for thirteen talents. The horse refused to be mounted by anyone, and Philip ordered it to be taken away.
Alexander, however, detected the horse's fear of his own shadow and asked for a turn to tame the horse, which he eventually managed.

2010-04-24 07:02:15 補充:
According to Plutarch, Philip, overjoyed at this display of courage and ambition, kissed him tearfully, declaring: "My boy, you must find a kingdom big enough for your ambitions.

2010-04-24 07:03:24 補充:
Macedon is too small for you", and bought the horse for him. Alexander would name the horse Bucephalus, meaning 'ox-head'. Bucephalus would be Alexander's companion throughout his journeys as far as India.

2010-04-24 07:04:30 補充:
When Bucephalus died (due to old age, according to Plutarch, for he was already thirty), Alexander named a city after him (Bucephala).
When Alexander was thirteen years old, Philip decided that Alexander needed a higher education, and he began to search for a tutor.

2010-04-24 07:05:55 補充:
Many people were passed over including Isocrates and Speusippus, Plato's successor at the Academy, who offered to resign to take up the post. In the end,
Philip offered the job to Aristotle, who accepted, and Philip gave them the Temple of the Nymphs at Mieza as their classroom.

2010-04-24 07:06:28 補充:
In return for teaching Alexander, Philip agreed to rebuild Aristotle's hometown of Stageira, which Philip had razed, and to repopulate it by buying and freeing the ex-citizens who were slaves, or pardoning those who were in exile.

2010-04-24 07:07:17 補充:
When Alexander became sixteen years old, his tutorship under Aristotle came to an end. Philip, the king, departed to wage war against Byzantium, and Alexander was left in charge as regent of the kingdom.

2010-04-24 07:07:38 補充:
When Alexander became sixteen years old, his tutorship under Aristotle came to an end. Philip, the king, departed to wage war against Byzantium, and Alexander was left in charge as regent of the kingdom.

2010-04-24 07:08:01 補充:
During Philip's absence, the Thracian Maedi revolted against Macedonian rule. Alexander responded quickly; he crushed the Maedi insurgence, driving them from their territory, colonised it with Greeks, and founded a city named Alexandropolis

2010-04-24 07:09:14 補充:
After Philip's return from Byzantium, he dispatched Alexander with a small force to subdue certain revolts in southern Thrace. During another campaign against the Greek city of Perinthus, to further intervene in the affairsAlexander is.

2010-04-24 07:13:53 補充:
After Philip's return from Byzantium, he dispatched Alexander with a small force to subdue certain revolts in southern Thrace. During another campaign against the Greek city of Perinthus, Alexander is reported to have saved his father's life.

2010-04-24 07:15:55 補充:
Meanwhile, the city of Amphissa began to work lands that were sacred to Apollo near Delphi, a sacrilege that gave Philip the opportunity to further intervene in the affairs of Greece. Still occupied in Thrace, Philip ordered Alexander to begin mustering an army for a campaign in Greece.

2010-04-24 07:17:00 補充:
Concerned with the possibility of other Greek states intervening, Alexander made it look as if he were preparing to attack Illyria instead. During this turmoil, the Illyrians took the opportunity to invade Macedonia, but Alexander repelled the invaders.[

2010-04-24 07:18:16 補充:
Philip joined Alexander with his army in 338 BC, and they marched south through Thermopylae, which they took after a stubborn resistance from its Theban garrison. They went on to occupy the city of Elatea, a few days march from both Athens and Thebes.

2010-04-24 07:28:22 補充:
Meanwhile, the Athenians, led by Demosthenes, voted to seek an alliance with Thebes in the war against Macedonia. Both Athens and Philip sent embassies to try to win Thebes's favour, with the Athenians eventually succeeding. Philip marched on Amphissa

2010-04-24 07:29:19 補充:
(theoretically acting on the request of the Amphicytonic League), captured the mercenaries sent there by Demosthenes, and accepted the city's surrender. Philip then returned to Elatea and sent a final offer of peace to Athens and Thebes, which was rejected.

2010-04-24 07:30:54 補充:

亞歷山大三世是馬其頓阿吉德王朝(οἱ Ἀργεάδαι),國王腓力二世(Φιλιππος Β')和希臘世界西方蠻國伊庇魯斯(Ήπειρος)公主奧林匹亞絲的兒子。由於奧林匹亞的個性專橫獨斷又神祕,而且喜歡與蛇共眠(普魯塔克),再加上她對亞歷山大的影響,她很令腓力二世厭棄。她對兒子亞歷山大的影響非常大。遠征期間亞歷山大常常會寫信給母親敘述見聞。傳說亞歷山大在埃及西華沙漠阿蒙神殿親眼看過某種奇特的事,但他又絕口不提,只願意寫信告訴他母親一個人而已。

2010-04-24 07:31:39 補充:

2010-04-24 07:32:26 補充:

2010-04-24 07:33:07 補充:

前340年,腓力出戰拜占庭城邦的時候,16歲的亞歷山大代父統治馬其頓,並率領部隊鎮壓馬其頓北部Μαίδοι的起義,建立了城市Aλεξανδρόπολις。前338年,18歲的亞歷山大在馬其頓維護它在希臘城邦中領導地位的重要喀羅尼亞戰役(Χαιρώνεια)和其他將軍指揮馬其頓左側,消滅了底比斯(Θῆβαι)神聖團隊(ἱερὸς λόχος)。同年腓力成立了科林斯同盟,鞏固在馬其頓領導下希臘城邦之間的和平。
參考: wiki+me
2010-05-02 5:41 am
Alexander was born on 20 (or 21) July 356 BC in Pella, the capital of the Kingdom of Macedon. He was the son of Philip II, the King of Macedon. His mother was Philip's fourth wife Olympias, the daughter of Neoptolemus I, the king of the northern Greek state of Epirus. Although Philip had either seven or eight wives, Olympias was his principal wife for a time.

As a member of the Argead dynasty, Alexander claimed patrilineal descent from Heraclesthrough Caranus of Macedon. From his mother's side and the Aeacids, he claimed descent from Neoptolemus, son of Achilles; Alexander was a second cousin of the celebrated general Pyrrhus of Epirus, who was ranked by Hannibalas, depending on the source, either the best or second-best (after Alexander) commander the world had ever seen.


According to the ancient Greek historianPlutarch, Olympias, on the eve of the consummation of her marriage to Philip, dreamed that her womb was struck by a thunder bolt, causing a flame that spread "far and wide" before dying away. Some time after the wedding, Philip was said to have seen himself, in a dream, sealing up his wife's womb with a seal upon which was engraved the image of a lion. Plutarch offers a variety of interpretations of these dreams: that Olympia was pregnant before her marriage, indicated by the sealing of her womb; or that Alexander's father was Zeus. Ancient commentators were divided as to whether the ambitious Olympias promulgated the story of Alexander's divine parentage, some claiming she told Alexander, others that she dismissed the suggestion as impious.


2010-04-25 5:06 pm
參考: me
2010-04-24 10:10 pm

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