
2010-04-24 1:34 am
m1係微積分& 統計
m2係微積分& 代數

回答 (2)

2010-04-27 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
yes,school maths teacher said that m2 is more difficult than m1 , because 代數 is more difficult to learn than 統計, but it doesnt mean that if you study m2 , you will have more chance to get into the university. You have to base on your capability , what you want to learn and also what would you like to be after the university.
參考: maths teacher and myself
2010-04-24 6:23 am
如果你鍾意prove野, 特別鍾意coordinate geometry, 矩陣, 三角學, M2會岩你多D(理論較多)
M1就係應用多D, 商科岩用, 統計, 機率多D

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