
2010-04-23 11:47 pm
(1)In an experiment two dice are thrown.Find the probability that (a)the sum of the faces is 3, (b)the sum of the faces is 7, (c) the sum of the faces is 3 or 7.

ans: (a)1/18,(b)1/6,(c)2/9

(2)A coin is tossed 4 times in succession. What is the probaility that:(a)4 heads will turn up?,(b)2 heads and 2 tails will turn up?,(c)1head and 3 tails will turn up?


(3)The probability that a person in a certain area owns a car is 1/4. Find the probaility that
(a)two persons selected at random both own cars
(b)of two persons selected at random, only one owns a car
(c)three persons selected at random all own cars
(d)of three persons selected at random, none owns a car
(e)of three persons selected at random, exactlyone owns a car


回答 (1)

2010-04-24 12:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)a) P(the sum of the faces is 3)
= P(1,2) + P(2,1)
= (1/6)^2 + (1/6)^2
= 1/18
b) P(the sum of the faces is 7)
= P(1,6) + P(6,1) + P(2,5) + P(5,2) + P(3,4) + P(4,3)
= 6 * (1/6)^2
= 1/6
c) P(the sum of the faces is 3 or 7)
= P(the sum of the faces is 3) + P(the sum of the faces is 7)
= 1/18 + 1/6
= 2/9

2)a) P(4 heads will turn up)
= (1/2)^4 = 1/16
b) P(2 heads and 2 tails will turn up)
there are 4 positions , 2 heads have 4C2 = 6 ways.
= (4C2)(1/2)^4 = 6(1/16)
= 3/8
c) P(1head and 3 tails will turn up)
there are 4 positions , 1 head have 4 ways.
= 4(1/2)^4
= 1/4

3a) P(two persons selected at random both own cars)
= 1/4 x 1/4 = 1/16
b) P(of two persons selected at random, only one owns a car)
= (3/4 x 1/4) + (1/4 x 3/4) = 3/8
c) P(three persons selected at random all own cars)
= (1/4)^3 = 1/64
d) P(of three persons selected at random, none owns a car)
= (3/4)^3 = 27/64
e) P(of three persons selected at random, exactlyone owns a car)
= P(The 1st one own a car) + P(The 2nd one own a car) + P(The 3rd one own a car)
= (1/4)(3/4)(3/4) + (3/4)(1/4)(3/4) + (3/4)(3/4)(1/4)
= 3(1/4)(3/4)^2
= 27/64

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