
2010-04-23 6:24 am

回答 (6)

2010-05-07 5:30 am
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2010-05-02 5:40 pm
It is because the English standard and Curriculum is artificially deleveled before 1997 and after 1997. Reason is quite political. British dont wanna train talent youth or kids better than theirs, British could maintain their dominance. After Opening Policy in 80's, mainlanders flux into learning English and sending students to overseas. They wanna maintain the dominance in Hkg too, why to improve the education standard especially the business-related languages (English/French/Japanese) in hkg?? They wanna rule and lead but not lead by hkgese !!

Malaysia and Singapore... are sovereignty nations, they train their citizen in the best way to maintain the competitive advantage of their countries, sadly, it is not the same case in hkg, Hkg was colony before 1997 and is colony or even lower the status than it after 1997, see the politicians enthusiastically pushing the kids to learn more Mandarin,,,,,,,,and our education standard and level....frankly speaking, very low even in Chinese Language,,,,,

The result could be welcomed, why ? the competitive advantages would be lower than mainlanders....understand ???

wake up man !!
2010-04-27 2:09 am
2010-04-25 1:07 am
In my opinion, Malaysian's English is much better than the level exists in HK, and this has always been the case. Although grammar-wise, both places need a lot of work.

Malaysians use English in a lot more situations than people in HK. Exactly like the 1st poster mentioned, there are many other ethnicity in Malaysia. So apart from Malay, they have to speak English to communicate, even when you go shopping in the markets. So English became their common language.

In HK, most people are of Chinese origin, that's why Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) is more widely used than English. English is almost only used in businesses and trades, or in law. How often did you see English being spoken (before hand-over) in markets? So Chinese is the common language in HK.

This might be the case within Malaysia, where the level now might be lower than before its independence. The level is still higher than HK.

2010-05-05 17:27:56 補充:
Michael - do you even know what you're on about? Both Singapore and Malaysia are independent countries nowadays! And what makes you think that the Brits 'want to' so-called 'train' or 'not train' citizens?
參考: Yours truly
2010-04-23 3:54 pm


2010-04-23 6:44 am
Before I studied in Canada, I thought that my English should be better than that of the Malaysians. But when I studied in Canada, I met quite a lot of Malaysians in the university.Then I knew I was wrong. Their English was much better than mine.Something very interesting: when I studied in the primary school in Hong Kong, all the English books were printed in Malaya.(now Malaysia) People shown in the books were all Malaysians.
One reason why their English is better than ours is that English is used in all market places as a medium of communication, i.e they need to speak English, as there are a lot of Indians, Parkistanese, Singaporeans, living in the country.

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