塞翁失馬焉知非福 e句的英文??

2010-04-23 2:43 am
我想問 塞翁失馬 焉知非福 英文係咩??


thank you!

回答 (4)

2010-04-23 7:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案

When the old man from the frontier lost his horse, how could one have known that it would not be fortuitous?

When the old man lost his horse, who knew it wasn’t a blessing?

但大家都知道這成語真正的涵義:禍福可以互轉,並不是一時所能論定的。因此最能表達這成語涵義的英文應該是 a blessing in disguise (白話翻譯:偽裝的祝福)。比較完整的說法除了 roujenho (大師3級) 所建議的,你也可以說 A setback may turn out to be a blessing in disguise: 一次的挫折有可能是偽裝的祝福。

這種激勵人心引導樂觀的諺語在英文還有另一個說法:every cloud has a silver lining. 這白話翻譯是每一朵雲都有銀色的滾邊,因為太陽總是在雲的背後照耀著,當撥雲見日之時人們總可以體會在每個困難之後都會有更美好的事情。這句話也有一體兩面的涵義,但是內涵較為正面。

2010-04-23 11:40:07 補充:
這是我在另一則知識的回答 (回答者002): http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1010041601209
參考: A blessing in disguise - 偽裝的祝福
2010-05-02 2:54 am
Blessing in disguise Blessing in Disguise
2010-04-23 4:44 am




Once upon a time, there was a farmer in the central region of China. He didn't have a lot of money and, instead of a tractor; he used an old horse to plow his field。

One afternoon, while working in the field, the horse dropped dead. Everyone in the village said, “Oh, what a horrible thing to happen。” The farmer said simply, “We'll see。” He was so at peace and so calm, that everyone in the village got together and, admiring his attitude, gave him a new horse as a gift。

Everyone's reaction now was, “What a lucky man。” And the farmer said, “We'll see。”

A couple days later, the new horse jumped a fence and ran away. Everyone in the village shook their heads and said, “What a poor fellow!” The farmer smiled and said, “We'll see。”

Eventually, the horse found his way home, and everyone again said, “What a fortunate man。”

The farmer said, “We'll see。”

Later in the year, the farmer's young boy went out riding on the horse and fell and broke his leg. Everyone in the village said, “What a shame for the poor boy。”

The farmer said, “We'll see。”

Two days later, the army came into the village to draft new recruits. When they saw that the farmer's son had a broken leg, they decided not to recruit him。

Everyone said, “What a fortunate young man。”

The farmer smiled again—and said “We'll see。”


參考資料 http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/nathan6666/post/1313682777


塞翁失馬, 英文可怎樣寫 ?
Barry | 3rd Dec 2009 | 中譯英 | (102 Reads)
塞翁失馬, 焉知非福
本來是不幸, 但後來卻因此帶來好結果
英文有句異曲同工之妙的 idiom :
Every cloud has a silver lining
本來滿天污雲, 後來風雨過後便出現無際藍天
苦難是化妝的祝福, 只是人成功的鍛煉
Do you believe that every cloud has a silver lining ?

2010-04-23 2:44 am
Blessing in disguise Blessing in Disguise

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