請問一些口語 的英文應點寫??

2010-04-22 3:03 pm

叫人 " 悭番啖氣la" 應該點轉?

如果想4-5個英文字就表達到, 又點?
Save the talk?? 又好像牽強點


回答 (8)

2010-04-26 10:57 am
hi ... I only use "whatever" when he is talking to you. in here "whatever" is a very impolite words, that means "I don't care what you say". u also can use "anyway, I don't care" or "I don't care anymore"
參考: living in USA
2010-04-23 1:00 am
save one's breath
To refrain from a futile appeal or effort.
2010-04-22 9:43 pm
以上的回答都好像是直譯的。我會建議你說Don't bother、Take it easy或者Let it go.
2010-04-22 8:10 pm
save your breath
2010-04-22 7:56 pm
save the breath.

you can save your breath.
2010-04-22 7:32 pm

You can save your breath.就是叫人慳番啖氣了。

2010-05-03 01:05:32 補充:
How comes my answer" save your breath" is missing ?
參考: nil
2010-04-22 6:34 pm
keep it to yourself 係叫人保守秘密。
2010-04-22 3:29 pm

keep it to yourself .

唔知if it is correct. ok ? 我好憎我個中文写字板, 又慢又錯,

2010-04-22 11:15:39 補充:
To ppunihk

叫人守祕密也是可以的, 不過, 好似亦有這個意思 [ 你自己知道就夠啦], 彼如, 有人送了一只劳力士錶給我, 我到處show比人体好似好威咁, 有人好兴了, 可以对我説 [ keep it to yourself ]。

我在纲上成日被西人廢 [ keep it to yourself ]..........哈哈.......

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