yahoo買賣場騙子Tammy Ray

2010-04-22 9:42 am
請問Tammy Ray呢個buyer係咪曾係yahoo多次發出呢類o甘既email?
佢開頭出價$1900, 跟住$2500, 跟住$3000, 我開頭有答佢,但後尾覺得有問題所以無理佢, 佢就話report to the police, 請問我係咪繼續唔洗理佢就得?
I agree to pay you the total amou nt of HKD 2500 for the item Including the shipping fee through ems speedpost because i check the fee already and HKD 2500 will be enough.
So regarding the payment.. i will pay you through bank transfer and i was told that is the secure way of sending money worldwide and im going to make payment from my bank which is ( Royal Bank Of Scotland ) ... and my bank can transfer to any account in HK and you will be able to receive your cash payment immediately.
1 Once you send me ur account information, i will go to my bank and make the payment and once i finish the payment,you will just wait for the email from my bank which inform you that i made the payment
2 So once you got the email from my bank, you will need to go and send the item and scan the shipment reciept to my bank at ( [email protected] ) and once my bank got the shipment reciept they will remit the funds to your account and you will be able to receive your cash payment at your bank immediately.
my bank will serve as a third party to protect both the buyer and the seller so as to make sure the business goes smooth and fine, and i hop this protects both of us
So once you agree with the payment procedure, kindly send me the following Information
Name on account
bank Name
account Number
Your email address which you want my bank to send the confirmation mail to.
So once u send me the following Information i will proceed with the payment and once u got the email , you can go and send the item and once u send the item you will be able to claim your $$ from my bank.
I will be waiting for your soonest response.
最後我無理佢, 佢就send左呢段野俾我
what going on with the shipment of the item
kindly le tme know before i report to the police

回答 (2)

2010-04-22 10:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
呢個係一個 “尼日利亞電郵” 騙局, 唔好理佢!!
“… Once you send me ur account information, i will go to my bank and make the payment and once i finish the payment,you will just wait for the email from my bank which inform you that i made the payment…”
全世界嘅銀行都唔會發電郵通知第三者佢嘅客人己做銀行轉帳, 因為涉及客戶私隱. 所以一定只會由客戶通知收款人已做轉帳, 銀行唔會參與. 所以佢話 “…you will just wait for the email from my bank…” - 根本係狗噏.
“…once you got the email from my bank, you will need to go and send the item…”
同上. 佢會send個假 email, 話係由銀行寄俾你, 騙你寄出貨物. 唔好上當!
“… and scan the shipment reciept to my bank at [email protected]
全世界嘅銀行都一定有自已嘅 email address, 例如東亞銀行係 xxxx@hkbea,com. 絕對唔會使用 d 乜嘢 “[email protected]” 或 “hsbc [email protected]” 或 “[email protected]” 等免費電郵戶口.
“…once my bank got the shipment reciept they will remit the funds to your account…”
銀行只會按照客人指示做轉帳, 一係出一係唔出, 唔會話收到你寄貨單先出轉帳.
“…kindly let me know before i report to the police…”
你又無收佢錢, 佢 report d乜 to police???!!! 廢話! 兇你啫! 唔使理佢!!!!
如你想佢唔煩你, 可send以下 email俾佢:
“ You are a Nigerian 419 Fraudster. I have reported you to the police. They will be looking for you!”
419係尼日利亞刑事法例第419條, 內文係禁止電腦 /電郵詐騙.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2010-04-22 10:22 pm

佢地不停改名. 又改名. 有的驗証埋香港手機tim,
你見到佢出高過你售價的幾倍及一倍買你的貨品, 不要信.

教你外國人匯款到香港的程序 : 任何一個國家都係咁做. 例如意大利.
1. 意大利人去到意大利銀行---做匯款手續. .
2. 他會取得一封信.証明佢做了匯款手續. (這封信不表示匯到香港 ) 只是一個手續已辨妥,裡面有哂佢個人資料. 及收款人(你)地址,名,. 電話, 銀碼幾多.
3. 意大利銀行是要經過 30-35天先可以將筆錢. 匯到---->香港收款銀行的匯款部.
(當中不會經第三的中間人銀行). 最重要的是. 銀行只會與銀行接洽. 並不會主動去聯絡收款人 .(即係你).
4. 香港收款銀行(匯款部)收到一筆是你本人的匯款. 是會主動打電話給你confirm.同你講一個人叫乜乜名. 在任何國家匯左筆錢. 幾多錢比你.
5. 並會在月尾寄信給你通知你. 呢筆匯款收妥! 當中要收款銀行是會收取你手續費$300,. 後便會存入你的儲蓄戶口(一個工作天後).

關鍵就在. 你的客人給你的匯款信.(回看第2點) 封信不是給你的. 也不是完成匯款到香港的. 只是給你的客人自己keep紀錄. .
好多賣家就是睇到呢封信. 就寄出貨品. 仲招啦.
雖然你的客人做了匯款手續. 在自己的意大利銀行. 但係佢知你寄出左貨品. 佢可以在自己的意大利銀行即時取消匯款. ( 只要在30天內就可終止得到.)
呢日利亞的都是一樣以上做法. ! 匯款到香港,. 不用經第三方銀行.
除非佢擺明騙你. 佢先會經第三方不知名的銀行.

任何一個國家. 匯款天數都係30-45天. 筆錢先至去到你的儲蓄戶口.
例如:意大利當地銀行. 佢匯款入黎香港要30天. (呢個匯款叫T/T TRANSFER)
匯入香港收款銀行-匯款部門. 要批核呢筆錢是否真實. 又要兩星期. 經過批核後. 証明筆錢係有的. 香港收款銀行匯款部門.先會打電話及發信通知你.
(所有海外匯款. 都不會是第二天見數. ) 至少要等45 天.
仲要, 之前我也差點仲招. 條友你好鍾意叫你MSN佢. 有時用返售價你買. 或, 用出高幾倍價同你買~ 仲有你的電郵毛啦啦會收到一間叫Royal Bank
Of Scotland 的信通知你. 有個人已完成匯款. 要求你先寄貨. 後24小時內比錢你. ((千萬不要信))
一定要記住!Royal Bank
Of Scotland  係100%不會主動聯絡你這位收款人。因為任何一個國家的匯款。 是銀行與銀行內部接洽。絕不會私底下去電郵同你講。
參考: 我公司要做埋處理客人的匯款。

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