Please, what do I do if he ignores me?

2010-04-22 7:00 am
Okay so me and this guy have been going out on and off for the past year, and I was sure I was over him after our last break up, but I guess he wasent cause he asked me out again just a few days ago!!! I said yes, and we were perfect for about a week, but now all of a sudden he won't text me anymore??? We never see eachother at school because of our different friends, so only talk time we have during the week is texting. Does anyone have any idea why he's ignoring me ??? We haven't talked for two days!! By the way , I am in 8th grade.

回答 (12)

2010-04-22 7:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
he probably just wants to know that your always gunna be there when he comes back to you, and obviously you are, make him come to you! have the whole whatever happens, Happens atitude. he'll think ur losing interest and try harder.
but like everyone else said your only in 8th grade just have fun!!
2010-04-22 2:27 pm
He sounds like a very fickle young man, and can not clearly decide what he wants. Unfortunately no one can tell you what is going on in that head of his, except him. There could be any number of reasons why he is ignoring you. If you want to get a honest answer, you might have to approach him alone at school. You know, you do not have to put up with such an unstable relationship. It can wear on ones emotions when you are involved in an on and off relationship with someone. It might be best to tell him that you do not want to date again until he is able to be more involved in the relationship. The thing about young relationships is that there are a lot of things going on. Parents contribute to who, and when someone can talk to you. School should always be a priority, and it keeps people busy and not as able to communicate as often. Just focus on you, and the positive things you have going on in your life. If he is ready to come around, and treat you right, then you can worry about him. For now, worry about you! If you would like to talk with us more about this, we are here for you 24/7 at the Boys Town National Hotline. Please consider calling 1-800-448-3000 to talk with a counselor about this situation. We are here for youth and families, and have been able to help others through situations like yours. We hope to hear from you soon, Mandi, Counselor
2010-04-22 2:24 pm
I agreed with Brandon. Let him do his thing, but don't be available for him. You had been off and on and he know he can get you any time he wants. You are too young to go to this trauma. Guys like to be chaser, remember that. If you want to forget about him stop looking for him, don't be available for him, when he invites you even if you have nothing to do say no that you are busy. Stop that game that you guys are playing. He is ignoring you because you make it so easy, when he ask you, you say yes. He probably know that no matter what he does you will say yes. You deserve better. They don't respect you if you don't respect yourself. We all go through that. I don't see any potential in that relationship, he is very immature. Put attention in your studies, later on you will find someone that deserve and appreciate you. Don't give yourself away so easy. God bless you dear.
2010-04-22 2:08 pm
u only go and talk with him and ask why is he not talking,etc.........
have a eye on him if he has got another girlfriend.
2010-04-22 2:07 pm
MOVE ON no big deal there are plenty of fishy in the sea, meaning there are other guys better than that. ;)
2010-04-22 2:04 pm
Please- and I MEAN this!- Ignore him back. I'm a guy and I'm constantly attracted to women I find repulsive simply because they won't give me the time of day. However, one woman in particular who is way out of my league (usually) is interested and yet the fact she is too available is why I have yet to call her (even with me being lonely and hard up for a date). It works for boys and for girls. People want most what they can't have. Duh.
參考: For real? Come on...
2010-04-22 2:03 pm
8th grade girl i understand how you feel but hes just in juniour high hes immature for a relationship. Im 18 now and the guys are still pretty immature =P
2010-04-22 2:03 pm
Whats your last conversation about? If he doesnt texted you for 2 days now, why dont you reach out and ask whats going on? There are lots of possibilities why he is ignoring you actually. Call him if you want to be at peace.
2010-04-22 2:01 pm
hun you are still young drop him he is young and unfortunately going to go after other girls do not worry so much over one boy
2010-04-22 2:01 pm
you're in 8th grade, just have fun, go with it. Talk to him when he gets back to you but don't take it too seriously.

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