I want to know the details of Yamaha f100sii flute...is it C-foot?

2010-04-21 8:15 am
is it C-foot?
What is the price for the new one?

回答 (4)

2010-04-21 8:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Look it up with a search engine - you will find MANY entries to help you.
2016-12-15 10:05 pm
Yamaha Flute F100sii
2010-04-21 5:49 pm
The F100sii is definitely a beginner instrument with a C foot. I don't believe that Yamaha even makes it anymore. The closest current model is the YFL200.
2010-04-21 1:28 pm
Have a look at YAMAHAPKCLUB It could be there.
They've got everything.

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