Cheif Executive of Hong Kong

2010-04-22 7:22 am
If you were the Cheif Executive of Hong Kong,what chage would you make?

回答 (3)

2010-05-02 4:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
loncheuk 你好 ~~~

If I was the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, I will

1. Make laws to control the cars for producing so much harmful pollutants to the citizens.

2. Try to make the legislative council to be quiet by choosing the suitable people again.

3. Listen to the requests of the citizens and try to suit them by different methods.

4. Give benefits to the poor people since they cannot live without enough money and materials.


希望可以幫到你 ~~~~~
參考: Yogi
2010-05-02 10:25 am
2010-05-02 4:48 am
If you were the Chief Executive of Hong Kong,what change would you make?
I would cancel the deputy secretary positions of the bureaux.I would rename the Chinese name of Government House as 香港行政長官府.I would hold regular meetings with major political parties in a fair way.I would not seek a position in the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference after I serve my term as the CE of HKSAR.

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