"that" 點用作連接詞? (10分)

2010-04-22 6:29 am
"that" 點用作連接詞?

當用作連接詞後 個that 變成什麼意思?


回答 (3)

2010-04-23 3:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
連接詞是用作連接兩句有相關的句子用的, 它把兩句連接起來令聽的人充份明白句子的意思, 而 that 就是其中一個連接詞了。如下舉例:
I am told.是一句話,但沒多大意思.You are unhappy.又是一句話, 但句子末能充份表達說話者的意思, 但若用一個連接詞(conjunction) that 把兩句連起來, I am told that you are unhappy. 整句的具體意思就很清楚了。(這句亦可寫作You are unhappy; I am told that.切勿說人寫錯.)。

1)用that 做連接詞(conjunction)可用以代替because, for that, in that 來表達一個原因或理由,如 He was annoyed that he was contradicted.(他被反駁所以生氣.)。
2)用that做連接詞亦可代替in order that 來表達一個目的, 如 We sow that we may reap.(我們播種為了我們可以收成.)He kept quiet that the argument might cease.(他閉口為了可平息爭議.)。
3)用that做連接詞亦可表達一種後果, 一種反應如 I am so tired that I cannot
go on. He bled so seriously that he died. He was so tired that he could
hardly stand.

當 that 用作連接詞, 它的作用就分別如上述1) 2) 3)的例子一樣。That 的其他
that 可以用作代名詞(pronoun) 如The climate of Singapore is like that of
Malaysia. I know the house that he lives in.
that 可以用作賓格式詞(adverbial accusative)如on which, on which, at which
如 I remember the day that he came.(that 就代替了on which了。
that 也可以用作關係代名詞(relative pronoun)以代替which和 who如
My brother, that is in prison, will be coming home next week.(切密留意,你
必要有多過一個兄弟才可用that, 否則一定要用who.)
上述是關於 that 的基本文法常識, 希望對你有幫助。
參考: nil
2010-04-23 4:48 am
e.g. He said ' He is hungry.'
change to
He said that he was hungry.

2010-04-22 7:43 am
that as a conjunction, is used after certain verbs, adjectives and nouns to introduce a new part of the sentence. 用於某些動詞(said, explained) ,形容詞(possible, likely)和名詞(the fact)後, 引出從句。that + clause 組成 noun clause 名詞子句(從句)
e.g It is possible. He has not received the letter.
It is possible that he has not received the letter
That he has not received the letter is possible. (that 放在前,不可省略)
e.g. The fact is not relevant. He is older than me.
The fact that he is older than me is not relevant.
That he is older than me is not relevant. (that 不可省略)

In informal English, that is often left out.在非正式英語中 that 常被省略。

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