
2010-04-22 1:59 am

回答 (3)

2010-04-23 5:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
之前答過相關問題, 而家略加補充. 就算普通紙製或綿製風隔都唔駛話行5000公里就要換. 一般應該係到 20000至30000公里先換都冇問題 -- 除非你架車長期行大灰塵地方好似地盤咁就除外. 每次 check 車, 攞出嚟睇吓多唔多塵污唔污糟, 較大嘅沙塵就倒咗佢. 細少嘅塵就積累到睇唔到紅色K&N油就要清洗

K&N 網頁話 "如要最佳效果 請用 K&N 的清潔用品", 並列出一大堆如果用其他清潔用品同方法會點樣損壞個 filter 本身. K&N 本身嘅 Filter Care Service Kit 本身有兩支液體, 一支係用嚟清潔 filter 用, 另一支係清潔後用嚟抹番 filter 用嘅油液上去.

以下清潔步驟由 K&N 網頁提供: http://www.knfilters.com/cleaning.htm

先將 K&N Air Filter Cleaner 噴喺 風隔上. 先噴較乾淨一邊 (向引擎一邊), 之後噴較污糟一邊. 噴完等十分鐘. 呢個步驟係將痴住向風隔入面嘅沙同塵自動鬆出嚟. 十分鐘就夠, 千祈唔好任由D 液體自行乾打斜個風隔, 用低壓嘅冷水(打開水龍頭) 由上至下沖去風隔內嘅污垢, 直至所有Cleaner 同污垢沖乾淨為止. 記住係低壓, 唔好開大水喉, 如果唔係可能會沖爛風隔入面嘅綿花. 如果仲有污垢, 可以重點於呢個位置重覆第1及第2步等自然風乾. 千祈唔好用其它方法整乾個風隔 抹油. 用 K&N Air Filter Oil 逐行逐行加油. 係加喺本身污糟嗰一面. 用噴裝會較企理, 但就好似加極都未夠咁.等20分鐘. 當所有 area 都有油之後, 就可以裝番入車
本人建議, 如果可以揾到 Filter Cleaner 同 Filter Oil 分開買的話, 清洗方面可以將較溫和嘅沐浴露稀釋, 用盪衫或淋花水壺噴上風隔 (第1步). 之後到第4步先用 K&N 自己嘅 Filter Oil . K&N 效果理想好大原因就係D 油. 同埋本身帶顏色所以洗完後重新上油都較易. 我之前試過去電單車鋪買 D 非 K&N filter oil 塗上去, 效果唔好.
2010-04-22 5:16 pm
There is an instruction withe the K&N cleaning kit. Do NOT use hair dryer!!!

1) Instruction:
Once you take off your K&N air filter, shake a few times to loose the dust ( dirty side facing down). Spray the K&N cleaner to the dirty side and let it soaks for 5 minutes (again, dirty side face down). Hold your filter ( dirty side facing down) and run the water SLOWLY on the filter ( the clean side). Let it air dry and apply the K&N oil. Make sure you don't apply too much oil or else you will need to let it seat on a piece of clean towel to soak the excess oil.

2) Yes, it is recommended to use their cleaning kit.

3) No, you cannot just use water. The reason is that the kit comes with a solution to break down the K&N oil ( the original oil sticks with lots of dirt and dust). After you apply the solution, rinse it with water so that your filter comes clean again. At this stage, the filter is not re-usable since the filter does NOT have the oil to stick the dirt and dust. That's why you need to apply the K&N oil back to the filter before it does its job.

1) Hair dryer creates heat that will shrink the filter and dry up the materials. Bigger rocks will break the dried filter and go into engine.

2) Use only K&N cleaning kit. It is the cheapest and most reliable cleaning kit. TRD carries the cleaning kit for double the price. K&N cleaing kit will last you a long time. My K&N cleaning kit lasted me 10 years ( Yes, 10 years!).

3) You will want to clean it when you see the filter's oil sticks a lot of dirt. Just like a gray scale in art class, when you see the dirt reach a level that you wash it. I usually wash it once in 12 to 18 months depending on the cleanness.
2010-04-22 3:15 am

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