I want having a pet!Please!

2010-04-22 12:55 am
I want to have a pet but I do not know what should I choose and how to look after it. Can anyone help me? Please!
(cat, dog, rabbit, hamster, fish... ...)

And the prize. How much should I pay if I have that pet? Thanks!


I want you to tell me! Not only tell me how can I know the answer!!!!

回答 (2)

2010-04-22 1:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
I would recommend to adopt a pet. You can get them from the SPCA, and they will teach you how to look after them. I have three cat adopted from them and we live happily together.

2010-05-01 00:33:29 補充:
just to add more information, i pick cat because cat do not need a lot of attention regarding their well being. all you need to keep a cat happy is cat food, water, and the sand toilet. all you need to do is to feed them every day, make sure they have fresh water and clean their sand toilet.

2010-05-01 00:33:52 補充:
to adopt a cat from SPCA, you need to let them know that the cat have a reasonable space to live in, you will need to choose the cat, different color cat do have different personality, or shall i say catsonality. the black cat are sweet and shy, the strips are naughty...

2010-05-01 00:34:17 補充:
once when you pick you cat, if he is a young kitten, then you will need to pay a deposit of 5000, They make sure that you will come back for the de-sex procedure, and when you complete d it, they can have this deposit back.

I think this about it... good luck with your pick...
2010-05-24 7:14 am
I hope people use Chinese to answer my question!

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