FACEBOOK inbox 問題

2010-04-21 5:44 pm
我想問..如果我send左 inbox 俾人想delete佢..
有冇辦法?????????????????????/ 快 ~ 唔該晒~

回答 (5)

2010-04-21 10:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i don't think you can
2015-11-08 1:16 pm
想問點inbox facebook, thx!
2015-09-17 7:14 am
我想找容祖兒李克勤9月21日 480元演唱會票
2010-04-22 4:22 am
不要俾人想刪除渠.Do not Biren want to delete the channel.
2010-04-22 3:24 am
you just have to go to your friend profile (the one that you send to) and there is a button which is delete click it and it will be deleted. but i'm not sure if your friend has already seen the inbox.
參考: myself

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