some grammar

2010-04-21 7:20 am
Is it correct to say " suffering from the internet'' ?
If not, could you give me some idea? Thanks:)

回答 (3)

2010-04-21 2:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Grammatically, it is correct. But it is not clear..
We say suffering from something bad. Internet is not something bad.
You can say:
suffering from a slow computer
suffering from internet problems
................ from intenet connections
................ from internet addiction
................ from Intenet and Compulsive Texting addiction互联網和短信癮
2010-04-21 5:14 pm

2010-04-21 4:44 pm
suffering from the internet'' = is a correct phrase not a sentence and people understand what you mean.

A proper sentence should be :

We / you are suffering from the internet .

Then you can continue to explain what the problem is

Our computer speed is too slow and is infected with virus etc.

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