I pod touch 點解睇唔到YOUTUBE?

2010-04-21 6:22 am
1. 我禁左YOUTUBE個制,佢彈左一句野出黎


2. 同埋我唔識入game去i pod touch到,聽人講要破解?壓縮??



回答 (2)

2010-04-22 3:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 我禁左YOUTUBE個制,佢彈左一句野出黎


ans: that means you don't have an internert conection.you have to choose a wifi and you can use the youtube.

2. 同埋我唔識入game去i pod touch到,聽人講要破解?壓縮??
ans: no, you have to download itunes in apple website after that create your account put in your credit card no. and you can download it in itunes. there are many free games in itunes. yup, somebody will "jail break" it. if you do this you can download any applications, music, games... but i don't recommend you to jail break it cuz if there is any problem with your ipod touch Apple won't help you to fix it cuz they know that you have jail break it.
2010-04-21 6:23 pm
您好, 我推薦您一個網站,一個對手機設備,攝影設備最新產品價格以及產品評測的網站,上面還有很多實用的小技巧,常用知識。



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