係唔係passive voice??

2010-04-21 6:18 am
Minutes submitted by Mary.

係唔係passive voice??


回答 (3)

2010-04-21 6:42 am
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Minutes submitted by Mary (Mary 呈交的會議記錄)= Minutes which is submitted by Mary
is submitted is a passive form (voice)原句是被動語氣
But here the verb to be "is" omitted, and submiited is the past participle used to modify the noun minutes
寫作手法是: 將原來用作被動式的 is 删去, 餘下submitted這個過去分詞, 用作形容詞, 修飾前面的minutes
這種手法/句子結構中的 submitted 主要被看成形容詞, 雖然原句是被動語氣
minutes submitted by Mary is a noun group/phrase, not a sentence.這是一名詞組, 不是句子,沒有main verb 主動詞
Minutes submitted by mary has been circulated.加上主動詞後才成句子
Mary 呈交的會議記錄已在傳閱中
2010-04-21 7:11 am
這組字並不是一句完整而有意義的句子, 在文法上只是一個 '名詞子句 ' (noun
clause)代替一個名詞。所以並不是有by字就叫被動式句子(passive voice), 看以下例句便明白了。
There are some mistakes in (the minutes submitted by Mary.)
以上句子就可見' minutes submitted by Mary ' 的只是一個名詞子句(noun

參考: nil
2010-04-21 6:29 am

because: object......by......someone/something.
參考: myself

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