
2010-04-21 2:13 am


回答 (2)

2010-04-22 3:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
琳 = 림 (Rim)

2010-04-21 18:41:40 補充:
Which Korean word should be used is not according to " 我認為較為合適." It should be according to what the dictionary said.
l have back checked with my dictionary and yahoo dictionary and confirmed that 琳 should be 림.

2010-04-21 18:44:14 補充:
Therefore 蔡琳 is 채림, not 채임.

2010-04-21 19:09:25 補充:
"羅" 既韓文應為 라 或 나, 但作為姓氏 就應用 나.
羅 = 나 (Na)
卓 = 탁 (Tak)
琳 = 림 (Rim)
羅卓琳 既韓文係 나탁림 (Na Tak Rim)
讀音係 "拿撻 rim"
其實個名既韓文係點, 唔係可以話 "我認為咁樣寫較為合適" 就得. 因為有字典寫明. 除非字典寫明有得選擇, 否則, 個字係咁寫就只可以係咁寫. 因為我地唔係字典, 唔可以決定.

舉個例, 藝人 蔡琳 既韓文名係채림, 並唔係 채임.
2010-04-22 9:55 pm
rhdiddl씨 대단하시군요...실례 많아습니다

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