Is Sarah Palin for Real?

2010-04-19 4:56 am
Do people actually take her seriously? How did she ever get elected to a public office?

回答 (19)

2010-04-19 4:58 am
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By campaigning to convince folks she was the best candidate for the job.

Apparently, the folks in Wasilla and Alaska took her seriously.
2010-04-19 11:58 am
Yes she is real. Many take her seriously. She campaigned, won the election and had the highest approval rating of any governor.

Your reaction, the fear and loathing, enhance her image. Keep those knees knocking!

2010-04-19 11:57 am
People liked her. That's okay, we don't have to but I would advise taking her seriously.
2010-04-19 11:58 am
Many 1000s of people who believe her bs and never check her out to see if she is credible. Thankfully there aren't enough moron voters to put her in the White House.
2010-04-19 12:03 pm
No, she's a figment of your imagination. Your other imagination.
Duh she's real, she hasn't done a bad job as a governor. President, however, is another story. She's just as qualified as Obama actually... When talking about what she has done. Personality-wise, people don't like her because she's "blonde" and "mom". Which is why I kinda don't care for her as much for president either. But as a person I'm sure she's likable.
2010-04-19 11:58 am
She is like a Barbie doll that talks. Somewhat interesting for the short term but hopefully will pass just like cabbage patch dolls and tickle me elmo
2010-04-19 3:18 pm
Are elected officials are only as good as we are.

2010-04-19 12:35 pm
Yer darn toot'n she is! She was a successful mayor and respected governor. She took on big business. She also cut the state budget, selling the state jet was one thing she did. She also had the guts to reject earmarks for useless state projects. She is also a successful business owner.

Notice that all the criticism of her is just insults, hyperbole or diatribe? Do you ever hear, "She sucks, because........."? Ask yourself why that is so. Is the basis for your position any different?

She is a strong, smart, successful independent woman and mother with a populist appeal. A lot of women identify with her and her message. In short, she is a threat, just like the Tea Parties she supports. To Democrats, threats must be discredited and dismissed. I will admit, the voice is a little squeaky. Maybe she's not the best communicator of the conservative message, but she's not bad.
2010-04-19 12:19 pm
She's real, taken seriously by many people and I don't know how she warranted getting elected. She doesn't seem too knowledgable and seems out of her depth. She has a following from vast masses in cultivating and promoting a political agenda. She can get people riled up, like she's doing a pep rally, too. I think the TV show "Saturday Night Live," spoofs made on her, are a close depiction of Sarah Palin, which emphasizes more about how she had warranted election to an office.
參考: NBC, Sat. Night Live
2010-04-19 12:02 pm
Sarah Palin is playing conservatives like a Stradivarius. She has made at least twelve million dollars since quitting her post in Alaska. She's not all that smart herself when it comes to politics, but, having been a pageant contestant, she knows how to sell herself. And those idiots are buying into her scam hook, line, and sinker. I don't agree with her political views, but I say more power to her. While conservatives adore her, she's showing them for what they truly are, and they don't even realize it.

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