Why do people from other countries hate Americans so much?

2010-04-18 6:28 pm
I don't think I deserve to have over half the world hate me only because I'm American. I'm not ignorant and arrogance isn't something i shoot for. I take pride in myself for being so lucky to live in a great country, but every other country would hate me for that. Is this about politics or a huge judgemental issue?

回答 (6)

2010-04-18 6:52 pm
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Although both the French and the Americans have reputations for being arrogant, the Americans have exhibited more openly obnoxious behavior over the past half-century (when commercial air travel to other countries became widespread.) Prior to this, the only Americans who traveled abroad were GIs coming to the rescue of Europe, Australia and parts of Asia, or wealthy Americans who often spoke the languages of countries they were visiting.

Once ordinary Americans could afford to travel abroad, Europe was flooded with tourists who expected everyone to speak English and please every whim of the Americans in exchange for the almighty dollar. This did not sit well with people whose cultures were many times older than that of the Americans.

More recently, America has been the last great world power to initiate major wars for its own gain, without considering the global ramifications. The Iraqi War for example removed the balance of power that kept Iran in check, and made Iran into the unsettling menace it is today, threatening the world with its development of nuclear weapons. Previous to America's invasion of Iraq, Saddam Hussein was Iran's great enemy, and Iran was focused on that threat. Now that he is gone, Iran's religious allies have gained a lot more power in Iraq, so that has freed Iran to focus on their perceived Western and Israeli enemies.

America has also infected the world with hip-hop culture and even American street gangs have spread to other nations. So America's tradition of violence and vandalism is spreading like a cancer.

Those are a few of the reasons America is hated around the world today.
2010-04-19 4:55 am
Really I don't get it either. First these other countries would go around saying that we are dumb and retard and that they shouldn't make stereotypes judgment about them but then they go around making stereotype judgment about us. Second, they call us arrogant but that just because they don't like being in our debt. We have never demand anything from any body, we make money through our own industry .Just because we are smart enough to make money to live a good lives they insult us. And we did many things to be pride of, every time a country is in trouble we reach out our hands but then they said that we should have done that because we are rich and if we don't then they call us greedy. There is nothing we can do its just like a bunch of bad student making fun of a straight A student. Also they call us stupid what we say to that, this is a country, every individual is different whether some are smart, fat, stupid or dumb. Judging us all for one person... well we know who the real stupid one is. Why should we be ashamed of ourself? We have done nothing wrong and who can boost a more fair country where everybody no matter the gender, race, age, religion can be protected equally under the laws.
2016-09-29 3:06 am
They hate us till they like out help. i replace into speaking to somebody from England (on a interest) and he could not relatively call a reason the two (i think of he remains mad on the subject of the yankee Revolution). I hear human beings say we are smug, yet they love Obama who's amazingly smug, so i don't likely purchase that. I hear that we are a team of gasoline guzzlers, notwithstanding it relatively is unlike we are starting to be it for unfastened, we are procuring it (a lot now), so as that can not that's not a competent reason. final i heard that our financial equipment is crashing. properly our financial equipment isn't crashing, we are in difficult situations like we've been earlier and we are able to get out of this so definitely i'm asserting I have not have been given any theory, in case you come across an answer i could decide to take heed to it. additionally my economics instructor mentioned it ultimate, "while usa of america's financial equipment sneezes, the international's financial equipment gets sick"
2010-04-20 7:59 pm
I'm from Britain and I definitely don't hate Americans. How could I hate the nation that gave the world Kurt Cobain and Nirvana, The Big Mac, great TV and films like Two and a half men, The Sopranos, Scarface and so much more. I think a lot of people who hate Americans have either

A) Not met many Americans as most the ones I've met are really nice, once a nice American lady ran out of a supermarket after me in Orlando when I left my wallet at the counter about ten years ago lol.

B) Are jealous of Americans because they don't live in America.

I also think us Brits have more in common with you than we do with the rest of Europe and even though you declared independence from us many moons ago we don't hold a grudge :)
2010-04-18 11:38 pm
Because they are stupid and ignorant and listen to everything they see on tv. Most of them havnt even been to America then yet they complain if we say something mean about them ( which I dont waste my time in doing because their opinions mean nothing to me at all and shouldnt to you). Then yet they have the audacity to call us ignorant. They should look at themselves before judging a group of millions of people. They have no right and they think they do. Really, the ignorant, obnoxious ,fat, mean comments are getting old but they dont seem to get it so let them waste their time. "we are too proud of our country?" I can be proud with whoever I feel like. Not my fault you dont have things to be proud of about your country. Personally, I dont like to stereotype. I dont judge a country untill I met everyone there. I have no right to judge others so what makes them think they have the right to judge us? Most of our debt is for giving our money to other countries. Yeah.. Were soo selfish.
參考: Get a life. Get out of ours. This isnt your country. Worry about your own.
2010-04-18 6:33 pm
I have been to many countries and may I add that Yes many hate the USA for coming on to be so obnoxious, always present everywhere,(conflicts) for bragging how the USA is the greatest, when the majority has not been out of the own state..
For their nasty foods among many others things. And for acting so Puritan !

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