AL physics問題,,煩請高手幫幫手

2010-04-19 2:06 am
kinetic theory for ideal gas 有以下呢2個assumptions 我想知有咩用?
1,the duration of collision is negligible compared to the time interval bewteen collisions
2,the volume of the gas molecules is negligible compared to the volume of the container which is also the volume of the gas

呢2個assumption對計數果時有咩用 or 有咩其他用途?

the gas molecules have zero volume 有咩用??? the duration of collision is negligible compared to the time interval bewteen collisions 點解implies there are no interactions between them

回答 (1)

2010-04-19 9:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
The first assumption implies that there are negligible interactions between the gas molecules, and the second assumption implies that the volume of the gas molecules is negligible.

An ideal gas is a gas that the gas molecules have zero volume and there are no interactions between them. Actually, no real gas is ideal gas. However, if the two assumptions hold for a real gas, the real gas is close to ideal and all the laws of ideal gas (e.g. PV = nRT) can be used.

2010-04-20 01:06:23 補充:
不是有什麼用,而是 ideal gas 的基本設定。

因為 collision 佔的時間很短,即大部份時間 moleecules 間的 average distance 較長,所以粒子間的 interactions 可以 negligible。
參考: wanszeto

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 21:53:46
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