total potential energy

2010-04-18 11:45 pm
一杯1kg 水 and 一杯0.5 kg水,1kg水係唔係有大d total potential energy??? 因為1kg水 有多d water molecule?

回答 (2)

2010-04-19 12:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
The internal energy of the 1 kg water is larger than that of the 0.5 kg water providing that both are at the same temperature.

As what you have mentioned, this is because of more water molecules are present in the 1 kg water.
2010-04-19 7:44 am
Potential Energy = mgh.
m is mass.

一升斤的水和0.5公斤的水若在同一高度,一公斤的水當然有較高的potential energy。


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