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2010-04-18 8:44 pm

Sesame Stick

Cheese Herb Bread


Nachos with Chunky Salsa

Fried Crab Cake

Apple mint Salad with Lemon Dressing

Creamy Tomato Basil Soup

Main Course

Ruby Ribs

Herb and veggie baked fish

Side Dishes

Roasted vegetables and wild mushrooms with herbs

Wasabi and Curry mashed potatoes


Mint cherry with plum wine sabayon

Berry-Yogurt Pavlovas with Chamomile-Lavender Syrup

Petit Fours
Cinnamon Biscuits
Vanilla Crisscrossed Peanut Butter

回答 (1)

2010-04-19 8:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Bread 麵包

Sesame Stick 芝麻條

Cheese Herb Bread 芝士香草包

Appetizer 餐前開胃小食

Nachos with Chunky Salsa 墨西哥玉米片沙律

Fried Crab Cake 炸蟹餅

Apple mint Salad with Lemon Dressing 蘋果薄荷沙律配檸檬醬汁

Soup 湯
Creamy Tomato Basil Soup 羅勒葉番茄濃湯

Main Course 主菜

Ruby Ribs 牛肋骨

Herb and veggie baked fish 香草什菜烤魚

Roasted vegetables and wild mushrooms with herbs 香草焗什菜野菌

Wasabi and Curry mashed potatoes 青芥辣咖哩薯蓉

Dessert 甜品

Mint cherry with plum wine sabayon 薄荷車厘子配梅酒汁

Berry-Yogurt Pavlovas with Chamomile-Lavender Syrup 霉果乳酪配薰衣草汁

Cinnamon Biscuits 玉桂餅

Vanilla Crisscrossed Peanut Butter 香草雲厘拿花生醬

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