a difficult phys question(10)

2010-04-18 5:44 pm
then friction is toward right too!!
but why there is friction????
the moving object is the 運輸帶 only><

回答 (3)

2010-04-18 6:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
By Netwon's First Law, an object on the cenveyor belt tends to stay at its state of rest when the belt moves.

If the belt is moving to the right, to an observer on the belt, the objects is moving to the left. Since friction always opposes motion, the frictional force thus acts on the object to the right.

Just imagine that if the conveyor belt is perfectly smooth, there is no friction acting on the object. The object would stay at its original position even the conveyor belt underneath it is moving. Then to an observer on the belt, the object appears to move away him.
2010-04-18 6:50 pm
其實你首先應該畫噃一幅free-body diagram先....你會發現其實佢除咗friction係冇任何橫向嘅force去令佢向右行......
順帶一提......如果你喺條運輸帶上面推嗰件行李....佢會當你俾個力大過佢個maximum friction嗰時至會郁...如果你俾嗰個力細過 max friction......你俾幾多..friction就係幾多....所以冇net force+ remains at rest.....
參考: 自己...今年會考生....
2010-04-18 5:46 pm

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